The Raid

I dodged there laxer attacks, stabbed them, and beat them but they wouldn't die. They slowed down and glitched for a few seconds so that I could pass. When I ran inside my clothes turned into a modern suit of modern armor, and there was no elevator but only stairs. 'Ugh!!' I yelled internally. With two guards behind me and about 100 flights of stairs in front of me I was sure to perish, but luckily the guards kept glitching behind me so it gave me time to regenerate my stamina bar. When after what seemed like an hour of climbing stairs I finally reached the top floor. The guards were still behind me and my stamina bar was terribly low. My head hurt so much I thought it was going to explode. I knew I now had to fight the guards. When they reached me they didn't try to harm me. They opened the door behind me and said,"we have been waiting for you." I was confused but I went in the room. I saw a tall white haired young woman in a pinstriped suit standing in anticipation for me. She came over and gave me a light kiss on each cheek like French people do. "Ah you are finally here I was expecting you to be here later." she said in a French accent. "What do I do to save the game?" I said. She pointed to the only other thing in the room... a reset button. She gestured for me to press it. It was on a diamond shaped small floating table just big enough to hold a button on it that was glowing a weird type of blue color. I walked over to it dramatically (like you see in movies) and pressed it theatrically.