Something isn’t Right

Hey ho lovelies it's me Neenie. I just want to say hello and ask how everyone is doing today! Ohhh And is everyone liking the story so far? I really hope so. This chapter is going to be a little different. It's going to be the one the only Fabian's point of view. I really want you guys to see his personality because in the last couple of chapters he wasn't in them. I hope you enjoy.


(Fabian's POV)

The past couple of weeks have been slow. Chloe seems to be getting more distant and every time I ask her she just shrugs me off. I am thinking it's the pregnancy hormones. Lately myself I have been shrugging her off too. I feel bad but for some reason I don't feel attached.

"Chloe honey, I'm going to go for a walk in the woods." I say as I grab my shoes and start walking. "Ya, ya just come back when ever." She said not all intrigued in what I had to say. Sighing I left out the back door and into the woods. I'm glad we bought a house that has a forest for a backyard. As I walk through I hear a twig snap and I freak out. "W-who's there?" I yell out in a panic. I hear a growl coming from my left and look to see a huge and I mean HUGE wolf. "Shit." I mutter under my breath. The wolf starts to stalk towards me and I slowly start stepping backwards. As I step backwards I snap a twig and the wolf growls at me and lunges. I move out of the way but my foot gets bit. I scream in pain as I feel the teeth puncture my skin and after that everything went dark.

I wake up and block my eyes from the light. "Ugh turn off the bright ass light." I say as it blinds me. "Oh good you're awake." I here a female voice. I look to see a young woman in her early 20's about the same age as me. She has blue eyes, dark raven hair and fair light skin. She also has freckles and soft looking lips- Fabian you are married. Anyway, I looked at her confused then looked around and saw I saw in a room. "Where am I?" I said looking at the woman. She smiled at me and said "Hello I am Nicole. And you are in my pack." I looked at her kinda stunned. "Pack? As in werewolf pack?" She nodded. "You have been bitten by one of my wolves on the leg so we brought you inside the pack house to treat you." It took me a minute to look around and process everything before I looked back at her. "Are you.. a wolf too?" I asked kinda scared. She smiled a beautiful- ahem. She smiled and nodded. "Yes and as a matter of fact you are one as well." I looked at her confused. "No I'm not sorry. I'm just a normal human." She shook her head. "If you were a normal human my Beta would not have attacked you. In fact you don't smell human at all." She laughed. "You smell like a rogue wolf." She said with venom and and frown. I was scared because I wasn't a wolf. "But I'm not a wolf. You have to believe me." I said with pleading eyes. She looked at me confused and then all of a sudden her eyes clouded over. Like they went completely WHITE. Soon came in what I would believe to be the pack doctor. "Hello sir. Sorry I don't know your name, but I need to take a blood sample for testing." I nodded. He stuck a needle in my skin and I saw the woman named Nicole visibly cringe at the sight. After he finished he put a bandaid over the piercing and left the room soon after. "I never caught your name stranger." Nicole said staring at me. I looked to her and saw some unknown emotion. "Fabian, Fabian Chem." I told her. She smiled and then her smile dropped. She looked at me again as if she saw a ghost. "Is everything ok?" I asked a little concerned. She only nodded and left the room quickly. I was confused but decided to shrug it off. After waiting a couple of minutes Nicole and the doctor came back in. Nicole looked surprised and the doc looked happy. "Well Mr. Fabian, you are most certainly a wolf." He said happily. However Nicole looked kinda sad. It made me sad for no apparent reason too. "But your kind of wolf is most uncommon. And it's no wonder you didn't know either being male omegas are very rare." Nicole looked up in shock. "Doc he is a male omega?!" The doctor nodded and smiled. "Yes Alpha he is!" I looked at them. "Alpha? WAIT A MINUTE. OMEGA?! As in like the lowest ranking wolf kind?" They looked at me questioningly. "How do you know about wolf rankings?" Nicole narrowed her eyes at me and I give her a do-I-really-have-to-explain look and she nodded. "Discovery channel." I said in a duh-tone. I heard an "oh" from both of them and laughed. They looked at me concerned. "I thought only females were omegas." I stated, but the doctor shook his head. "Although most omegas are females the is a very rare chance of a male omega." I thought for a second. "If werewolves can shift how come I haven't yet?" It was Nicole's turn to answer the question. "When an omega is born their senses don't start working till around 22 years of age once they start seeing what was really happening around them they are going to shift shortly after." I mentally cussed in my head. "That means I'm going to shift soon." I said out loud and Nicole looked at my wide eyed. The doctor smiled and nodded. "Yes sometime today or tomorrow." I gulped nervously. Nicole grabbed my hand and I felt a spark. I gasped and pulled my hand away only to see that a hurt expression on her face. That face made me want to sweep her up and hug her. I just looked back at the doctor and he gave a sad look to her but then a knowing look to me. He later left and I was alone with Nicole when all of a sudden I got a pain rupture through my spine and cried in pain. Nicole gets up quick and looks frantic and yells "He's shifting! Get him outside quick!!" I see three people run into the room and take me out side. I look at Nicole and she was looking at me with what looks to be worry but for some I couldn't think too much as my bones started to pop and break out of place and all I can do is cry out in pain. Nicole gently pets me and the pain subsides a little, but only to come back twice as painful. My screams slowly turn into howls. HOWLS?! Of pain. Wait why am I howling?! "It because you're a wolf idiot." I heard a male voice in my head. What the hell?! I thought, but only to be interrupted to feel my last bone pop and that bone hurt the most. Looking down I saw two furry paws and when I looked but I saw Nicole. The male voice came back and yelled "Mate Mate Mate!! RUN TO OUR MATE NOW!" I heard as scream in my head. "Oww" I said and I heard him say "sorry." I looked around trying to find the voice but only to hear him say "I am in your head you idiot. I am your wolf. My name is Joel." I nodded and looked to Nicole. She smiled at me and my heart stopped. Everything slowed down time included and I walked to her. She looked down at me and walked back. I whined but she only smiled at me and began to shift as well. Her wolf was huge! And I felt something calling to me. My wolf wanted to go to her so we did. I walked up to her and licked her face only to be growled at by her pack, but for some reason I growled back at them and they bowed their heads. I looked at Nicole confused only to have her give me a proud wolffish grin. When we shifted back I turned away from her so she could change. I heard a whistle only to see some guy looking at Nicole up and down. This gave both me and my wolf a fire light under us and after I put on the shorts I walked over to the male wolf and my wolf took over. "If you ever look at my mate that way again I will rip you to shreds do you hear me." My voice had so much authority in it that it scared me. The male nodded his head in fear and ran off. When he left I whined hearing my authority ring in head head. Nicole came to me and pulled me into a hug and I calmed down immediately. The only thing I didn't understand was why was my voice so powerful and what are mates?