The invite

(Her)"Hey dude want to go to my party on Saturday, it's at midnight"? He asked me while I was trying not to stair and kiss him.

"Yeah I will be there"!

"Do you know where I live?"

I thought to myself yeah duh I look at your Snapchat map but to not be creepy I said "No".

"Ok then I will pick you up at 10 cause I know where you live".

I thought to myself once more how does he know, but I really didn't care as long as I got in his car even tho there might be people in his car smoking and getting drunk.

Then class starts and once again I can't think or concentrate because I'm thinking of him but who cares I can get the answers off of my friends afterwards.

I honestly don't give a fuck if I can't get drunk at the party I just want to go because of him.

I don't even understand why he even invited me like he doesn't even know me I don't think at least. We walk out and he asks for my number so he can call or text me anytime. I say ok and give it to him. He winks at me and walks to his car and I texted my mom and she told me to get a ride. So I ask him for a ride and he says "Get in and let's go". He drives me to Dairy Queen and ask if I want anything. I say no then he ordered a shit ton of stuff and takes me home he says he could eat all of this in one go. I said I bet and get out and he says yeah but this is your food and walks me into the house and sets everything down. He hugs me and I noticed he touched my butt so I accidentally touched his. He walked out and yelled see ya Saturday. I get up and eat of coarse then picked out my outfit for the party. I wanted to wear something hot to impress him and something thin. I went to rue 21 and picked out the best outfit I could find that is a blue button up tightly fitted and ripped jeans with brand new blue shoes that are for running. I think I'm really to go to the party. "I will be next to him the entire time. Even if his cunt comes near us!" I say to myself.