What will mom say?

(Want)"Are you going to shoot my dad?"

"Maybe, he tried to shoot you!"

I'm not really complaining but are we become a gay version of Bonnie and Clyde? Honestly that's pretty cool. We might kill my dad though.

"Yeah, he is a fucking asshole!"

"So we gonna do this?"

"Yeah let's go"

We pull in and I see my dad looking out the window at us. He gets up and asks if we are ready to suffer the consequences. I don't know why he is acting like we are in a western movie but he is.

"Yes I am"

I look at Gabe and quietly say

"Shot him if you see anything threatening"

He nods and I walk up to my dad.

"Sit down you fagot!"

He flips out a knife and acts like he is going to cut me. Gabe pulls out his gun and my dad seen so he pulled his out quicker and shoots but missed. Gabe shoots and I look up to see if he got shot in the head. He looks at me confused and I hear Gabe scream no. I look down to see a hole in my side. I look up and everything turns blurry. I faint and hear a gun echo...

I wake up to my mom crying and cleaning up blood.

"Oh my god my baby it's going to be okay. Lay down don't move!" She says crying so much that I can't barely make out what she says.

"Where is Gabe?"

"He is behind you"

I look behind me and see him scared to talk to me. He has cried so much that his shirt is soaked.

"Gabe it's ok, you didn't mean to!"

"I shot you, I don't deserve you!" He says wiping tears away.

"You just *cough cough* tried to save me, I love you!"

"I love you two, I'm so fucking sorry!"

I know he tried to shoot my dad cause what he was doing to me.

"Where is dad?"

"Honey he is in the freezer." My mom says likes it's normal.


"Gabe shot him 12 times in the chest and put him in two garbage bags."

"Yeah, I could not leave him on the porch for someone to see!"

"So what are we going to do with the body?"

I say because I don't understand why the fuck they put his nasty body in the freezer.

"Honey, my friends are going to get rid of him, they own a funeral home. They are going to turn him to ashes! Then we will dump him in the ocean! SIMPLE!"

I nod because I have just realized that my family is insane and my boyfriend! My life has really took a turn!

"Wait, mom, why are you acting like this is all normal?"

"Um sweetheart, I have to tell you something but you can't tell anyone else!"....