Oh great!! chapter 8

Ava woke up by the sound of her alarm." What time is it? 7:00am!!I will just sleep a little longer." She said before she passed out. Ava woke again by her phone ringtone. Ava answered it." WHAT!!" Ava yelled at the person that was calling." Now now Ava didn't I said to meet at 1!" Jason said in a mad voice. Ava looked at her clock. " WHAT!!! IT'S 1:30!" Ava said and her eyes widen for how long she had slept. " IM COMING RIGHT NOW JASON." Ava said and hanged up the phone before she jumped out of her bed.

Ava made it to the park where she had to meet Jason. After awhile she found Jason. " Jason!" Ava called out and that made him turn around. " Well look who finally showed up!" Jason said rolling his eyes. " Im sorry I kinda stayed up until 4? Ava said looking down. " What do you mean you stayed up until 4! What did you even do!" Well...I stayed up watching movies and tv shows?" Ava said and bit her lip. " But why did I even have to come here in the first place?" Ava said and sat down at beanch that was next to her. "Well....at first it was oppose to be just me and you, but then Jennie called she said we are going to have double dates for now on. Every Friday and Saturday..." He said very slowly." " EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY!! ARE THEY CRAZY?" Ava couldn't help but yell out. "Umm...yeah and there about to come...like right now." OH GREAT!!" Ava said tried of her life.