This is my happy ending.chapter 14 last chapter.

Its been two weeks since the whole Landen thing. Ava and Jason are about to graduate highschool. " Hey babe are you ready for tmorrow?" He said over the phone." Yeah I still can't believe we are about to graduate!" Ava said almost yelling. " Okay I have to go! See you tmorrow!" Okay bye! Love you!" Love you to!" Jason said before he hanged up.

Ava and Jason spend every minute togther. To the words " I do." Ava was finally happy! She never felt like she was going to lose her mind. They went to the beach every Friday with there two little kids.

I know how it feels to be loved. You spend every second with the person you love. I spend every hour raiseing my little joys! Me and Jason went threw everything togther. Im glad I picked him to be my fake boyfriend! All I want you guys to know is keep going, never look back , never break down, never cry for a dumb boy. Because you will always find someone to love you! This is my happy ending.

( Thank you for reading my story! I hoped you enjoyed it! Please stay tuned for my next story! Thank you so much! love you)