Team Scarlet’s Support

It was already late in the night, but the Dragon Rising was still lit up brightly.

What with all the people there who would be playing LOL overnight, there was a great lot of shouting and hollering going on even well past midnight.

"Hey, screw you! Always hooking me over!"

"Damn it, why didn't you attack!"

"Ulti, ulti, ulti!"

Standing before the shopfront, Yu Luocheng's shadow stretched long across the street in the dim lamplight, falling across the poster for the Coca Cola Cup.

Yu Luocheng lifted his head to read the details of the tournament.

He could no longer remember how old he was when he first started loitering around cyber cafés. He'd begun by watching others play from behind their shoulders, until he'd eventually started playing himself. His string of achievements had earned him prestige, until he'd finally gone professional.