The New Kid

"Commander Qin." A skinny-looking young man walked into Section C, intercepting Qin Ying.

"How is it? See any strong teams out there?" Qin Ying inquired.

Qin Ying was not so arrogant as to believe that they could effortlessly take down every single team in the Dragon Rising. There were elite lone wolves wandering the place too—if they formed into a team and played a few games together, it would be unwise to underestimate them.

"That ATM team is pretty good," the skinny one replied.

Nicknamed Kitten, he was the archetypal unemployed loafer, loitering around cyber cafés, sometimes working behind the counter to earn a bit of cash, occasionally assisting Qin Ying with something or other.

"Oh, that bunch of university students?" Qin Ying's eyebrows rose.

It was essentially impossible to find elite players from amongst the ranks of high-school students, since they didn't have the time to play.