A Gritty Opponent!

Every LoL champion possessed a total of seven abilities including the innate and Summoner spell. Who wouldn't know how to use these seven skills?

A few games in and anyone would be familiar with the spell effects. Yet, why was the opponent often more superior to you while your ranking was forever stuck at the lower tiers?

Take the solo top position for example. Do you always check your opponent's item? Do you know how to keep count of the opponent's as well as your own experience? Are you aware of when your champion is stronger and when your opponent is weaker? Do you follow the opponent's champion's cooldown closely and be vigilant about the enemy's jungler position at all times?

This was a game that challenged the IQ, thus, if you were killed, please try not to be an annoyance by doing something like the following:

"My gosh, just a little more. I forgot about Ignite."

"D*mn, he Flashed away!"