Shot in the Dark

The most epic battles are the ones where your opponents astound you, while your teammates surpass your expectations!

Up in the Top lane, Riven seemed to have sensed that the fight going on down in the Bottom lane might get out of control, and so had made the prescient decision to hurry over there and help out.

Luocheng hadn't withdrawn, even though he'd run out of mana, because he'd noticed Riven's portrait tearing across the minimap in the corner of his screen!

Once Shen had successfully been lured into the Dragon pit, Riven decisively activated her ultimate skill and Flashed in to join the fray, charging headlong directly at Shen!

At Level 6, Riven's ulti granted her tremendous burst damage potential. Already reduced to half health, Shen was instantly slain before he could get out any skills of his own!