The feelings of those four players on blue team could not be described. All they could do was watch as Ezreal disappeared into the distance.
Then, another piece of bad news: Vayne had been slain.
Shallow Dream had been chasing after Riven, but Riven had been able to make use of her agility to hold her own against Vayne. Although Vayne could have prevailed in that duel, she'd been caught completely by surprise when Jarvan Flashed in behind her and launched an EQ-combo, followed by his ulti.
This skill combo from Jarvan had been truly decisive: Not only had it preserved Riven's life, it had also ensured Vayne's demise.
After Vayne went down, Jarvan, Riven, Ryze, and Zyra used their Baron buff to assault the Top-lane Inhibitor Tower.
At that time, Ezreal had just run the other four enemy champions around their Nexus after him. Blue team was caught completely unawares, unable to mount a defense before the tower was toppled.