Master Level Graves!

"So what do we do now?" asked Bing Dong.

"We'll fight if we can, if not we'll surrender at 20," replied Bai Feng, his eyes now reflecting his usual calm.

Up till a second ago, he was playing recklessly because he couldn't accept the fact that he was being beaten in lane by a newbie.

However, now that he had deduced the true identity of Team Skycrown's coach, he returned to his calm state.

A player that had been acknowledged by Shallow Dream was not a normal player. This kind of player should be showcased to the world on a higher level for all to see!

"Surrender at 20?" said Hao Yue, shocked.

This didn't seem like Bai Feng at all!

They were actually going to surrender to this new, green team?

But thinking about it properly, it would be hard to make a comeback in this round.

His jungling had already been completely beaten, not able to farm or buy items. And the top lane was just a lost cause.