The Strongest Jax VS The Strongest Renekton!

Pick phase!

Team Skycrown had no intention of holding back. In this match, they definitely needed to go all out, so they would obviously pick their best champions.

Once Shen was banned, Da Luo didn't hesitate to pick Jax. The Grandmaster at Arms was his most-loved champion. Jax's fearlessness and ability to fight against multiple champions at the same time made Da Luo feel like this champion was made for him.

Only Jax could help him chanel his desire for victory and completely release the years of accumulated anger and resentment in his heart!

Meanwhile, their opponents had picked Renekton to hit the top lane.

Renekton had dominated top lanes for a very long time, and it seemed like there were no champions that he was afraid of. Using Jax against Renekton was basically playing at a disadvantage.

Even so, Da Luo didn't have any doubts in his pick.

It had to be The Grandmaster at Arms—Jax!
