A 4 vs. 6 Game

"My buddies will be here soon. Duo Duo, you'd better get the cabinet key and money bag ready, I can't wait to spend some sweet time in Mykonos tonight." Fei laughed brazenly.

Mykonos was a popular night club nearby and the ladies were famous for their great figure and pretty faces. Fei almost had an erection simply by imagining what could happen tonight.

Too bad he was a little low on money recently, and thus, it had been a while since he last visited the club. The expenditure there was unlike those cheap pubs near the red light district. 

'After claiming the prize money, tonight will be the night I get to taste those delicious Japanese girls…'

"D*mn you guys! Are you slowpokes coming or not?" Fei yelled impatiently into his iPhone.

Da Luo, who had been sipping the free flow beverage drawled slowly, "Better be quick. Why not ask your friends to rush here using Ghost? Otherwise, you will be ganked by the five of us."