Public Enemy Number One

"Haha, only 6 minutes in and they're already left cowering under the turret!" Earth from Team Stardust burst out in laughter.

"Team Skycrown's leader Alistar is truly aggressive, but this is really on Team Sunlight. So many teams to challenge and they just had to challenge Team Skycrown, even Team Sky was destroyed by the Fighting Hawk… To be honest, I thought Fighting Hawk mained ADC, I didn't think he would be this good at Support too. I don't think we'd be able to handle the engages and roams from this bottom lane combo either," Wind said.

As the LPL teams were recounting the events of the match thus far, similar discussions popped up in Demacia Cafe.

Team Sunlight should've had a clean victory against the defending team, but they were obviously falling behind even though they had previously claimed to be on par with the LPL star teams.