Hooked On The Game!

The Taiwan server was already on Season 4, whereas back on the mainland, it would probably take a couple more months.

These professional players had a certain degree of understanding toward the NA servers and they were already quite accustomed to the Season 4 changes, trying out new builds and strategies for the new season as well.

The biggest changes for Season 4 were probably regarding Wards, Top Lane, Jungle gold and Support items.

No matter how good Luocheng's ADC was, how troll his Jungle went, how fiercely his Top played, or how badly his Mid fed, nothing could change the fact that Luocheng was born to play Support.

During Season 3, the Support role had been absolute trash.

After forcing out a Sightstone, Luocheng still couldn't fix the weird scaling issues that Supports had, instead, hauling onto himself the entire responsibility of warding and gaining vision.