"Dai, how much more for your Last Whisper?" Hades asked.
Asmodai's build was different from other ADCs. After getting his Trinity Force, he didn't immediately go for a Last Whisper, instead, he bought a Statikk Shiv.
Ezreal's clearing wave capacities weren't that fast, he would need to rely on his ulti for a faster clear. Deciding to buy a Statikk Shiv first had a good effect at the bottom lane, and even if he faced a Draven that had an advantage, he wasn't at too much of a disadvantage himself.
Statikk Shiv was a good item for ADCs who didn't have much CC in their hands, and adding on the fact that Ezreal's Q-skill could proc the effect was a bonus. Of course, Hades himself prefered a Statikk Shiv.