A Moving Castle (Part 2)

The other members of Team Sky couldn't react in time, and without surprise, the turret at the middle lane was demolished by Team Skycrown with ease.

The five hungry beasts of Team Skycrown dispersed instantly as soon as the tower had fallen. The Jungler went back to hunting his monsters while the others went back to their respective lanes or fountain to purchase items. That brutal manslaughter that happened a moment ago almost seemed like a distant memory.

On the giant screen, the Summoner's Rift had become eerily peaceful.

However, the impact created by Team Skycrown's swift operation had greatly astounded the 4000 audience on the scene. Everything had happened too fast until the audience was unable to react in time with cheers or applause.

"That was traumatic, the way they gushed in like a giant wave. Nobody could have stopped that!" Coach Huang Kang of Team Daemons lamented.