Killing Is Easier Than Jungling!

Luocheng had equipped primarily penetration runes together with his Summoner Mastery which gave him another 6% in armor penetration. Adding on the armor penetration from The Brutalizer of about 15, all of it would add up to about 30 points of physical penetration. Fizz's armor at Level 5 was only about fifty, the reduction in damage wasn't high.

Luocheng wasn't in a hurry at all, and he firstly pretended to continue farming.

Fizz was a champion that once he was suppressed, he would be practically useless because his farming methods were all melee.

Seeing Fizz about to take a last hit on that minion, Luocheng's Talon suddenly shot out a W-skill to initiate a fight, the volley of daggers flying toward Fizz!

Fizz was obviously not prepared for it and he was hit by two of the three daggers, the slow effect also landing on him.