Chapter 2: Friends?

I went to class after my face has calmed down but before i could even have a seat, i realised that i'm in the same class as him. He was staring at the window without noticing that i have entered the classroom.He was spacing out at that time but then again, i could tell that something was bothering him.

As i walk towards my seat, all the students start whispering around me. About how i look, how i walk or how i even talk. I couldn't careless since i have got used to it but he looked directly at me when the whole class starts talking about me. I tried to walk normally so that it won't give out that i was actually fallen for him. Every step that i have made, felt like my heart was thumping loudly.For a second there, i was scared that the whole class would hear my heart beating for a guy that i just met.

"Since everyone is here then lets start the class"

The teacher start the lesson but i couldn't focus because my head was filled with his face when he smiled at me. I kept trying to get him out of my head but his smile and his puppy face was too adorable for me not to remember and smile like an idiot. Then the girl sat beside me starts whispering to her friend, i would ignore but her voice was not that soft.

"Is it just me or i saw the president, smirk a little bit??"

"NO WAY!!"

"The two girls there, stand outside the class if you want to keep disturbing the other student. You can gossip after my class ended"

"Yes, Miss.Murray"

Her friends voice almost made my eardrum explode. I can't even smile because it will make everyone suspicious me. I put on my poker face and focus on what Miss Murray is teaching. I can finally keep his face away from my vision after the girl's voice woke me up in my day dream.

After the school ended, i wanted to go to the counselor office like my usual routine but then i think he will also go there to find me so i thought to myself to just go to the school library. I packed my bag and as soon as i step outside the class, a whole group of girls came rushing to me like a pack of wolf trying to get a piece of every meat they can.

"I think you guys are going over his personal space"

"What did you say!!!"

"I said that you guys are not giving him a chance to have a personal space "

They all look at me and i tried to smile but in the end i made a face where it said "Go away before i murder you". Some girls fan girl while the other was scared of me. I don't even know what's wrong with these girls, who would want to date someone who would murder them. They all left me after giving goodbye flying kisses thing that they do all the time.



"Your face was priceless and i can't even..."

He starts laughing and when i look at him, his face lit up. Then i think again, i did kinda look like a meat that will get eaten any moment by then so i laugh with him. He grab my shoulder and before he could even talk, he had to wipe his laughter tears.

"Where are you heading??"

"To the school library"

"But it's closed, i went to check there when it was lunch time."

"Then i'll just go back to the counselor office."

"Can i join you since, i don't wanna go home yet"


We went to the counselor office together, i didn't say anything to him when we were on the way there but he tried to break the ice and starts talking about everything that happen to him. I would always find talkative people disturbingly annoying but with him i found it disturbingly adorable.

When we got there, i start doing my homework together with him. I'm not sure if this feeling is warm because i like him or is it just the room. I open my jacket and turn on the air conditioner to make the room cooler.

"Do you work out??"


"When you open your jacket, you look fit"

"I do exercise once a while"

"I'm jealous of you because look..."

He starts opening his jacket and i can see his slim body and his tiny waist like a model would have. I almost felt like i will die out of nosebleed for a guy.

"My body is...."



I went up to him and grabbed his waist and slide my hand to his abdomen to see and feel how slim he is. It reminded of my old slim and fragile body that i had before i became a president or popular. I realised that i was crosssing the line so i put my hands away from him.

"Sorry, your body just...

"I-it's okay"

When i look at him, he was averting his eyes from me and i could see that his ears turning red by then. Is he gay like me? or he is just not well?

"Are you okay??"

"Yeah, it's just that...I haven't ate my medicine"

"Is it.."

For a second there, i thought he was about to say that he was gay like me. I'm a bit disapointed with his answer a few second ago to be honest. I took his medicine from his bag and gave it to me.

"Are you sick??"

"Not really just a fever..."

"Next time you should just stay home and i will give you the school work at your house if you keep doing this"

"Can i ask you something??"


"Are we friends now??"

"Friends...I guess we are"

"Then, Nice to meet you i'm Alex"

"I'm Will"

Since that day, my crush was my friend but i wish that we could be more. We will but just need some time for it, i guess