Chapter 7: The Good Boy

It's about 9pm and my wife and kids are about to sleep. I, of course have no choice but to close the TV even though it is still the 3rd quarter of FIBA qualifiers. Damn, Gilas (The Philippines Mens National Basketball Team) was just up by a few points and we need this win in order to advance into the world cup. Good thing I have Twitter to keep track of the game. Most of my early life I have no problem watching TV and stuff but it is what it is now. Poor me. Anyway, while scanning twitter, I caught a glimpse of Kirk Hammet of Metallica posting some stuff and I remembered playing some of their songs in the past. We played almost every week and at that time, it was insane. We were winning band competitions left and right and we are almost there.

I hated drugs, it never amused me and it gave me ridiculous after-effect the first time I used it. Never mind that it is free, because of my school mates, but the second time they asked me to try, I begged off. Really. Graduation is almost here and I am failing 2 subjects. I need to focus, get my ass off my guitar and study. Well, fortunately I did graduate and my mom was very happy at that moment. I did not even went out with my classmates to the after party and just stayed home. Talking about being a good boy eh? She bought me a Sony Playstation 1. Yeah!! My first of many Playstations.

Once high school is done, I felt like a new man. I'm turning 16 and it's time to face the music. Where do I go now? Which school do I choose? Nah, it doesn't matter. My mom even said she'd let me have a year off from school if I chooses to and take my time. I just wanted to take some time off to focus on what I wanted at that time. Music. So, I decided to go UP and take up Music class. Yes, at the UP conservatory of music. The hell was I thinking?

When I went to the mall last year, I bumped into Malcolm, my highschool friend, and he was the one who told me about the annual reunion. He said he was going to attend and he thought I was going too. I said no, because of what I am now I was so nervous of what our batch mates would think about me. I just said I couldn't make it because my wife has work in the evening. He really insisted and even said he will pick me up on my place since he was actually living nearby. I was still hesitant and said I will just text him a week before the party. Just like what happened after we graduated, I was hesitant to be with those guys after graduation coz I know what will happen there. Booze plus Drugs. Dangerous. I knew that was the past and it will not happen again because I'm pretty sure everyone has settled down and chaged their lives already. Its been 24 yrs man. We're no longer those boys who doesn't care what life would bring after.

Summer of 94 continued and just before class, our band National Scandal was born. I was the bassist, Paul and John on guitars, Vinnie on drums, and Sebastian on vocals. Vinnie and Sebastian were childhood friends of John from their place and we were also on the same age. We practiced almost everyday and we are having a great time. Then mom told me she had bought a new house in Cavite and we are moving there permanently. It is a little bit far from the city. I don't know what to think, except finally we are now going to have a home of our own. A place I can finally call our house. This is when my life completely changed, forever.