Chapter 13: Work, work, work

November 2005 when I started at COSI. Life in there is like in a call center industry. 24/7, 7 days a week and it rejuvinated my entire life. Pay was good, I'm earning enough money to have some savings. I'm working on this project for a 3-month duration and it was daily overtime. I'm working 16 hrs a day and even during dayoffs and holidays, I still work. Double pay man! Sometimes triple pay. There was even this one time where our team worked for 3 straight days, we just slept for an hour in the cafetria then back to work. This was before Christmas as the deadline nears. It was fun, crazy week. And we had a big party with the team, enjoying everything we have accomplished.

I had a terrible asthma attack after I inhaled that stupid weed. I never enjoyed that thing eversince but my friends are loving it. The weed's aroma spread all over the car and I wanted to get out immediately. Maybe I was having a panic attack all over again. Just like when these almost the same kids in this car were busted by police during those days.

Rainy, one of my close friends, bought a big plate of freshly dried weed on his 17th birthday. It was served with large amounts of rolling papers and each and every person on the party enjoyed it. There were shotgun blows, tubes, you name it it's there. We were partying like there's no tomorrow. This is the time I passed out for consuming large quantity. I really have no idea what happened during the last 2 hrs and I just woke up butt naked. They stripped all my clothes and fortunately, there was no social networks that time.

Malcolm and the guys are driving me home that day and as if they were not that high enough, joints are being lit once again. We stopped on a dark place and they enjoyed those joints. I had enough and I don't want it no more. And a mobile car stopped on us, 2 policemen, with guns on their sides, walks towards us and we are all panicking. Oh my god I'm going to jail! I was just turning 16 this year!

When they are smoking that shit again, I told Jepoy, one of the guys on our group, "Hey, do you remember this? When we were busted on Malcolm's car that night?" They looked at each other on the car and they noticed it too. "Fuck Yeah!!! Oh my god we are all here!!!", Jepoy said while bursting into laughter! "Are you going to piss on your pants again Jojo", asked Rainy and gives him a little slap in the face. Jojo said "fuck you!" And everybody laughed like it's nothing. They act like kids when they are together. Rainy's dad is a police officer and He was the one who bailed us out together with the money from the dads of Malcolm and Jepoy. Great thing that those guys have money and influence. Rainy is a city councilor, Jepoy is a successful engineer, Jojo is a very successful businessman. Malcolm was just hanging out on his mansion, just chilling and relaxing with his family because he can afford not to work. I was so envious, I almost achieved their kind of success when I was in COSI.