Chapter 17: The Return of the King

It was about 7:40 pm when I arrived at Ryan's house. I went home first to take a quick shower and change my clothes (I am actually wearing a Semi Barong long sleeves at work) and relaxed for a bit. I withdrew the money he asked for and bought a bottle of whisky and some food to boot. I figured out this is a nice way to have some fun as we haven't seen each other for a while. And when I saw them, they are already drunk and when I looked what's on the table, it looked very familiar that I remembered something. Wait, what's going on?

Ryan and I met on the school I went before I worked on that hardware store. He, together with some other schoolmates, are always hanging around Wacky's place and we partied a lot. Wacky is another one of my close friends from school and we used to bring girls to his place get drunk and you know what happens next. But there are also times when me and Ryan goes somewhere else. To get high. And I met different people along the way and we are not hanging out that much as I was so involved with my other crew, in this case, with drugs.

"Hey Ryan, how's it going? Is that Gilbert?" I said. "Yeah Rob, c'mon have a seat", said Ryan. I thought we are going to drink but I guess they waited for me too long. Gilbert, one of the other crew, said "the items (drugs) now are of best quality. You should try it bro". What? No way! No fucking way! I am done with those things a long time now.

Ryan then asked if I brought the money. I gave it to him and asked when will he pay me back. Soon, he said. Then off that Gilbert goes. I know they will use the money to buy drugs so I said I should be going then. I'll leave the drinks here and I don't want to be a part of this. He said don't worry, it will be alright. That I should be fine considering the high dosage I am consuming daily before, this will be peanuts to me. And I said nah, I will just drink and let's just talk for a while. "I missed you brother, and Wacky as well", he said. I was nervous, a little shaky, when they started taking it. Gilbert offered me the first sip, I declined. After the next round, Ryan offered me the turn and I don't remember why, I took it and it felt good. Really, really good. "That's high quality stuff", I murmurred. "Told yah", Gilbert utterred.

When we are thru, we then started drinking and about an hour passed, I grabbed my wallet and gave Gilbert money and I said, "buy me 3 plastic sachets, I am taking one home later". And we continued drinking and taking drugs until I noticed it's 5am already.

That's fucking it! That was the day I should have not done. I wished I could undo everything that day. Until this day, I am trully mad at everything they did to me. It was my fault, I know, but it shouldn't have happened. I have a great life going on, success is on the palm of my hand, I am about to grab it. It was only 2 weeks before the interview of my life and I started taking drugs again. I returned to the thing that destroyed everything to me. I know I should stop right now and the devil inside me says yeah. It feels good. Shit!!!

Oh, I almost forgot. Remember when I was jailed for shoplifting? His dad was the one who got me out. Well, I was detained, technically speaking, not jailed. Anyway, Ryan's dad was a city cop and he arranged everything so they could set me free after 6 long hours. And he's a crooked cop also. Amazing isn't?

Shit, shit, holy shit! What have I done?

I went home, took a quick shower, took drugs as my breakfast, drank a lot of water, perspiring already, and went to work. I was an hour late. I arrived past 7 am. I looked terrible.