New Lands

295 AC, Summer Islands, Smiling Sea, North of Omburu…

A man with short brown hair and golden-trimmed white robes was standing on the bow of a ship sailing towards the mysterious lands of the Summer ıslands. This man was the beloved Prophet of Lys, Gerold.

Though he was sailing towards the heathen lands, there were no army or warships accompanying him. Even Trios was not with him as he was tasked by Gerold to deliver the black stone to the Keepers. Gerold's "visit" to these heathen lands was declared before he had even sailed, and currently, his ship was being escorted by the famous swan ships of Summer Isles.

Strong and tall men crewed swan ships. Their skin color was differing between brown and ebony. Their eyes and hair were pure black, but they were wearing armors dyed to different colors Gerold never saw.

The last five years have been difficult for Gerold as all other cities in Western Essos banded against the true God. They even had the gut to place an embargo on the cities he controlled, but luckily, they could provide food to the believers thanks to Disputed Lands or currently known as Blessed Lands.

All of his influence in the Western Essos, except Tyrosh and Lys, was cleansed, and his believers were either killed or converted by force. His religion was banned in those cities which banded against him.

Though no skirmishes were happening in the borders due to his actions in Volantis, they were still afraid of his extreme reactions to those who wronged him.

Despite all of this, Westeros' situation was better than Essos as believers were free to roam the lands of the Seven Kingdoms, and their influence and numbers were growing each day. The priests were becoming a means to salvation for those who converted.

In Dorne, people who were suffering from drought were finding water sources miraculously when they converted to the true faith. The lords who were doing nothing while the new faith helped their people were losing authority in their lands, but they could not do anything as they used those water sources found by their people. There was even a time when a septon of the Seven tried to assume those miracles upon Seven; he was found dead next morning without an ounce of water on his body. Thus, the believers were growing in number, and the priests were becoming a cure to the people's needs.

In the Reach, the rift between the two sides of the faiths was growing more significant, and schemes of the Lord were weakening both sides. However, despite the support of Tyrells, Hightowers were having a hard time because of the Crown's pressure. The reason for the pressure was non-other than the arming of the faith secretly against the believers. Though they were punished heavily by paying the crown's debt of two million gold dragons, they were still under the crown's watchful eye.

In the Stormlands, raids by the pirates from Stepstones were coming to an end as the royal fleet recovered after five years and were stronger than ever. The grumpy lord of Dragonstone and Warden of the Narrow Sea, Stannis Baratheon, was dutifully protecting the sea from the pirates.

In the Westerlands, the houses plotting against the lions of Casterly Rock were slowly finding themselves alone against the might of Tywin Lannister. The rebellious lords were silently ousted, and their heirs were married to the loyal lords. Though even the perpetrator of the Rain of Castamere was having a hard time as the news of the mines drying out spread to other kingdoms, his influence created by the pure terror and coins were crumbling slowly in front of his eyes.

In the Crownlands, nobles and the king were continuing to have lavish feasts and tourneys. Though the Hightowers paid the crown's debts, the crown was already in another one million gold dragons debt due to feats and tourneys. There was also good news in King's Landing as the new temple was completed in the old Dragon Pit and a building bigger and more magnificent than the Great Sept of Baelor, and it was named after the good King Robert Baratheon as the Great Temple of Robert. The good king welcomed the name of the temple. Though the Faith complained, it was to no avail.

In the Riverlands, the believers were having a great time, and their numbers were greatest here as the Lord Paramount of these lands converted to this new religion. An increase in the number of believers was due to the privileges granted to those who converted. They were exempted from paying half of their taxes as the temple was providing the rest of it. Even the lords had this privilege, so many lords wished to be exempted from paying taxes.

In the Vale, lords were having the most challenging time, but the reason was not the disease but the raids coming from mountain clansmen. They were becoming a bane to the Vale folk. Each of those clansmen was raised in the mountains, so they were hardier folk, and even their women knew how to fight. The current Hand of the King, Lord Arryn, was even forced to return his seat to deal with the problem, but mountain clansmen were sneaky folk as they were disappearing before even the knights were able to arrive. Thus, chaos was reigning free in Vale while the lords were in the biggest struggles they faced since their invasion of the Vale.

In the North, bounds between the people were strengthened as lords shared their food instead of hoarding them. Lord Stark, Warden of the North, and Lord Paramount of the North were presenting an example to his lord by inviting his smallfolk to his castle, dining the same meal. Thus, the believers' influence was weakest here as only in the White Harbor; there were a meager amount of believers.

In the Iron Islands, in the temple lands, people were getting used to their new lifestyle as they didn't need to raid and pillage anymore. All the things they needed were coming with trade, and they were being taught the necessary skills to earn their living. Thus, old ways of the Drowned God were slowly fading, and the new ways of the believers were gaining a foothold in these barbaric lands.

However, Westeros and Western Essos were not enough for Gerold's ambitions, and because of that, he was currently sailing towards Omburu. It did not take long for him to see the land in the far sea. A city with many colors was painting his eyes.

Gerold was amazed at the sight when he reached the city as people were wearing different clothes than he saw in Essos and Westeros. Their clothes were decorated with colorful feathers of unknown birds.

However, the most fantastic sight was not the people but the buildings. Each of them looked like mini pyramids, and they were reminding Gerold of the Mayan buildings from his old world.

Gerold was greeted by a small reception, Bishop of the Summer Islands, and several priests. Bishop was a dark-skinned, friendly-looking old man and his name was Xabo. However, those who knew him personally were aware of how cunning he was.

Gerold walked to the bishop with several holy guards following him while Xabo bowed his head and said, "Your Holiness, welcome to Omburu. I am Xabo, head of the Temple of Summer Isles."

Gerold nodded his head and extended his hand. Xabo kissed his ring and raised his head and began leading the way towards the temple.

People in the streets were looking at Gerold and his guards with wonder in their eyes, but it was not due to him being a head of religion, but it was because of his attire and skin color as Summer Islands were rather isolated in their nature, so they did not have visitors frequently.

Nevertheless, it was Gerold who was eyeing people like they were exotic fruits. It was because some of the men and women on the streets were wandering naked as they were born. Gerold knew prostitution was a respectable profession and was practiced even by the high-born and was considered a holy skill, but he was still not expecting such openness.

They soon reached the temple, and two guards were standing in front of the doors with fiery eyes. Temple was rather small compared to the others in Essos and Westeros, but it was rather unique as it was built using the local architecture style.

Gerold did not have a meeting immediately as he was rather tired after the long journey, so as soon as he was shown his room, he threw himself to the bed and slept.