Time for Work

Monday. Monday, Monday, fucking Mondays. I knew that when I awoken from my sleep, I could already feel the heavy sensation of hell. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. Cramps unrolled from my abdomen. It was sort of like little people were banging on the insides of my ovaries begging to come out. "Let us out, let us out!" I can hear them screaming now. I rushed over to the bathroom. I looked at the clock and it said, "Good morning Lavidia. Your time now is 4:03. Proceed with morning plans?" I paused. She could keep me company while I deal with my situation. "Proceed, LC." She started off with what my breakfast was going to be. I sat on the toilet and pulled down my shorts. Fuck! It's everywhere. "...and for work you will have to be out of the door by 6:15 or the system will malfunction. My tasks are done. Good bye Lavidia. Bleep." My LC died down into a soft humming noise. Wait! I click on my clock as she gave her usual greeting. "No don't proceed. Call up Mandy. I need to speak to her." LC responds and dials Mandy. A loud scream sent me almost off the edge of my toilet. As soon as Mandy's clock picked up the signal I almost wish I hadn't seen what I am seeing right now. "Mandy, I can see your... thing ." She paused and opened her legs to see me. She shrieked and nearly fell off of the toilet. "Ow! Please don't tell me you saw everything?"

"I saw just about everything I needed to see to clearly understand that you, my friend, are sorely desperate for somebody." She climbed back onto the toilet. "Don't say one word about...this. okay?" I crossed my heart. "Your moans are safe with me." I immediately laughed, but as soon as I came eye to eye with her again I knew she didn't find it amusing. "Okay, Mandy enough with that. Hey, the Ambassadors didn't call. Do you think somethings up?" Mandy got up off of the toilet. I assume she went to go and put some bottoms on. "I don't know. Maybe it's something special today." Usually the Ambassadors call at exactly 6:15, but it's 6:25. "Mandy I'll have to hang up. I want to see if I can call German and see if I can get some answers from him." I hung up. German is our time general. Whenever we travel he has to tell us our missions, where to go, and what to do from there. Also, we have a little history with each other. Riiiiiing! "Lavidia, I'm trying to sleep..." he said groggily."German...German!" He lifted his head. "Um, I might as well put a black rose beside your stand because you're a dead man; it's 6:31." His eyes were like rockets, the redness of his eyes being the fire, and his eyelids being the rocket boosters. He shot up out of the bed, but realized he was naked. He grabbed his groin and looked at me. "Please tell me you didn't see a thing."

"Trust me, you're not the first person I saw naked this morning."


"Nothing. Never mind." With that he rushed off into the back room. "German? Nobody has clocked us, what do you think is going on with the Ambassadors?" He not only looked, but sounded confused. "I guess that explains why you're still here. I don't know. It is kinda weird, but maybe something went wrong and they just delayed the calling. Try hanging me up and call them yourself. Maybe they'll give you an explanation and you can be the hero of the day and tell everyone else." I chuckled a bit and he smiled as I did. "Alright, I'll call you when I get some information and 'save the day'". I hung up. I got off of the toilet and rushed up the small flight of stairs to my kitchen. I looked out through the window. For years I've asked the Ambassadors to have me removed to a lower leveled apartment. I've been afraid of heights for as long as I could remember. But I think I started softening up on my fear about two or three years after I was chosen to be a clock because of our training. What we we're trained to do is develop our mental transportation or MT, which is basically transporting ourselves through visual mind illusion. For instance, if we wanted to go to France then we would picture France, focus, and then... we're there.

"LC, fix my breakfast please, the usual." The kitchen came to life with a recording of my voice. I run back into the bathroom and call the Ambassadors. It kept ringing for a very long time until somebody picked up. "Lieutenant Lavidia,what is it? Why is it that you are still home?"

"Sir, you might have thought you clocked us but-"

"Are you questioning our orders?! Report now to the courtyard." This was one of the ways the Ambassadors try to tell you that if you question them, like ever, they will personally invade your home and personally slit your throat. "Sir, I've had to wake two of my companions up for work. I assure you that if we were clocked, then we would be in the courtyard at 6:20, no doubt. Now I'm not questioning your orders, I'm simply telling you what has happen to nearly all of the Clocks this morning and only hope that my assistance to you would help correct what the higher-ups did...sir." He hung up. My breakfast swiveled around in front of me. Just as I was about to take a bite, my clock buzzed with a flashing window that said "WARNING, LATE BY 15 MINUTES, WARNING!" I smiled. I took a bite of the bagel, dismissed the warning, and called German. When he picked up, we were both smiling at the same time. "That's my Wonder Woman." He slowly clicked his button and hung up.

I finished my bagel as I was heading out of the door. When I got down to the main lobby, there was a hover waiting for me. The driver held up a hologram with my name on it. Unusual. I walked up to him. "Is there someone waiting for me?" The man shifted a little and looked uneasy. "The... Ambassadors are... awaiting for you at their headquarters. They want to speak with you." The man was stiff, as if someone was watching him from behind. "Shit." I hopped inside of the hover and the driver eagerly drove the hover towards the worlds largest and tallest building of all time. Calmin Tower.