Henry...yeah Henry 03

I've been pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do. I've found out that he doesn't have a real name, but can speak quite well. Ah! I need to get him clothes. Lucky for me I'm the type of girl you byes clothes from the men's section because there comfortable. So I told him to stay put while I went back to my car to get him some clothes. And to think of it, my best friend Emilyn never understood why I had extra clothes in the car. I run back to him and tell him to put the clothes on and we get in the car and head off to my small apartment. It was actually a struggle getting into the car because he thought that I was trying to "kill him" with my magical moving thingy. When we arrive at the apartment I decided to invite Emilyn over to help with my mental state. Which I still in shock. I still need to think of his name though. I never knew I would get to name a newly fallen 2,100 year old star. I decided to just shorten it his age to 21 years old though. But back to the name thing... Cooper? No. Herald? Nah. Jeff? No that sounds like a dad name. Ah! I got it! Henry! Yeah Henry will do.