Join my Club!

Looking at the girl in front of me, I was not only stunned from the fear of meeting a Yandere but also stunned by her beauty.

Now, I know I said I shouldn't be falling for crazy chicks but...

Wait! No, Hiroki, please stop!

"Excuse me, but are you just going to stare at me?" the girl in question had a finger to her cheek as she blushed lightly and looked a bit awkwardly at me.

Suddenly bringing myself out of my thoughtless inner monologue, I went a bit red myself. Why am I so embarrassed? Because I'm slightly terrified of the person in front of me.

She has long coral brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail tied back with a large white bow. She also has bangs and two long strands of hair next to her face. Her eyes are a deep emerald green and despite her embarrassment, I could see her slightly calculating personality behind it.

It's Monika.*

(*A/N - I know that her being in a game, and knowing that fact, is what turned her into a mental case, but you can't create something from nothing, so I'm just gonna have it so her warm and fun personality is just a facade for something a bit darker. Though, not necessarily as dark as killing all her friends.)

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that. I was just a bit stunned," blurting this out, I reminded myself that I could literally break metal with my bare hands and walked over to her, "My name's Hiroki Kurosawa, 2nd Year. It's nice to meet you," stretching out my hand, I confidently smiled at her which seemed to alleviate both her and my embarrassment.

Smiling herself, she took my much larger hand in her slender one and gave me a firm handshake, "It's good to meet you, Kurosawa-kun, I'm a 3rd Year and I'm Monika. Just Monika," she smiled in return and I couldn't help but feel the big sister-type air around her again.

...But hearing her say 'Just Monika' was slightly horrifying.

When we both let each other's hand go, Monika walked up close to me before inspecting my with a hand on her chin.

"Hmmm...Are you really a 2nd Year? You're a big guy, Kurosawa-kun. More like an adult than a student...Ah! Forgive me, I didn't mean to say your weird looking or anything, in fact, you're quite good looking," seeing the infamous Monika working herself into a flustered state, I wonder where her calculative personality had gone, or if this flustered state was even real to begin with.

But I pushed that thought down, knowing that judging her on my knowledge about her in-game was like judging someone before you personally got to know them.

So, instead of worrying about whether her behavior was real or not, I just focused on how cute she looked while flustered.

...Though if she starts getting crazy, I don't know what I'll do.

"It's okay, Monika-senpai, I get what you mean; I am pretty big for my age," smirking at her red face which contrasted beautifully with her green eyes, I moved the conversation elsewhere, "Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here, senpai? Shouldn't you be in Homeroom?"

Seeing the route for escape, Monika looked gratefully up at me, her face losing most of its redness. Replacing it was the calm but youthful smile she had on during most of the game.

For those who haven't played the game, DDLC or Doki Doki Literature Club is a game made by Dan Salvato or Team Salvato. It's a sort of parody on Japanese Romance games where you play through a Visual Novel and make certain choices, while the said choices determine who you eventually end up with (in a romantic relationship, obviously).

In DDLC there are 4 girls: Monika, Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki. Ignoring the other girls for now, and the story (for the most part), Monika is the President of the Literature Club and something of an Elder Sister-figure to the girls of the club, hence the Big Sister aura I felt when I looked at her.

She was only meant to have a supporting role in the game, giving Advice to you, the Protagonist, while also pushing you and the girl of your choice together. But it all went wrong when Monika somehow accessed the game's code and figured out she was in a game and the Protagonist was being controlled by someone outside the game.

Long story short, this drives Monika a bit crazy and it only gets worse when she falls in love with the Player. Why does it get worse? Because she doesn't have a route of romance like the other girls, so she's forced to watch as the person she loves is slowly dragged away from her by her friends who she now knows are nothing but code.

Code she begins to manipulate.

I won't spoil anything but Monika moves her competition out of the way and erases everything outside of the Literature Club so she can be with the Player forever, in their own reality. By the time she does this, she's well within Yandere territory and can't be stopped. The only way to stop her is to give her a spoonful of her own medicine and delete her files from the game.

Overall, the game's incredibly sad, with relationships that destroy themselves no matter what you do. I remember personally being quite distraught at the ending, and some of the mods I downloaded and played.

Though it's obviously a game so I wasn't down in the dumps for too long.

But...It wasn't a game anymore. If Monika was here, so were the other girls and they still had their own problems which were all very serious.

The small feelings of sadness and helplessness I had after the game made me feel obliged to do something about their problems in this world and thinking about it...I couldn't help but resolve myself to sort them out.*

(*A/N - I know they're nothing but Game Characters but what happened to them hit me pretty hard due to real-life experiences I've gone through. As in I know people who've had problems similar to the DDLC girls and when I saw what happened in the game it was quite jarring and brought up some pretty nasty memories. Though, If you're wondering I am completely fine and the people I know who've experienced such problems are also fine, so do not worry~!)

Bringing me out of my thoughts, Monika smiled at me with her hands behind herself. Her smile was one of a teasing manner and she looked up at me with half-lidded mischievous eyes.

"Couldn't I say the same about you, my big kouhai? Why are you here?" she chuckled a little before bringing one of her hands forward and pointing at the sky with her eyes closed and her other hand placed upon her hip, "But being the kind senpai I am, I'll answer your question first, Kurosawa-kun but I expect an equally truthful answer from you, okay?"

(*A/N - Here's what she looks like doing that pose. Pretty cute, if you ask me.)

Seeing her like this, I shook my head with humor filling my eyes, "Okay, Monika-senpai, that's fair," motioning for her to carry on, I found a chair and sat down.

Monika followed my example and sat down opposite me before she got a bit fidgety.

Seeing her do actions which she didn't do in the game was oddly refreshing. Though I do wish she had her memories from the game because being in a real world would mean much more to that Monika.

"I'm...I'm learning the Piano and sensei said I don't need to go to Homeroom so I can practice more. I'm going to be playing at the School Festival so I need the practice..." she looked a bit embarrassed at laying her hobbies bare but I didn't know why; Learning an Instrument, especially one as Classical as a Piano, is an admirable action.

But I might be biased as I learned to play the Piano and Violin in my last life. Though, I always enjoyed sports and physical activities much more fun.

"That's quite an admirable hobby, senpai. I could help if you want, I know a bit about playing the Piano," looking at her, I found myself smiling with a warm feeling going through my chest. Monika, hearing me, looked at me suspiciously, quirking her eyebrow.

"You know how to play the Piano? You look more like a sporty-person then a musical person," her voice sounded as doubtful as her expression looked and before she went to apologize, she saw my gentle smile and went a bit quiet.

We continued to look at other before I let out a small chuckle, "You'd be right about that, Monika-senpai - I am a very sporty person. But we can't dictate what our parents/guardians want us to learn when we're kids."

Monika's eyes widened in realization and she began giggling herself, "I was going to say, someone doesn't get a body like yours without being sport--" she stopped herself from speaking when she realized what she'd said. It was an even worse embarrassment when she found herself looking at my broad and well-muscled shoulders and it didn't get better when she felt a weird appreciation of my body.

Seeing her get flustered, I couldn't hold back my laughter and looked at her with very hidden eyes filled with fondness.

It truly was brilliant to speak to Monika like this.

"Ara ara, is my senpai getting embarrassed~?" returning her own 'Ara ara's against her, I leaned forward and peered into her emerald green eyes with my sapphire blue ones. She quickly averted her gaze from mine and pouted slightly.

"Stop teasing your senpai, it's supposed to be the other way around!" her voice sounded annoyed but there was no real heat behind it, and from the amused sparkle in her eyes, I could tell she was actually enjoying our conversation.

Realizing something, Monika's red face quickly disappeared and she stared right back at me, "Now now, Kurosawa-kun, don't you now have to tell me about why you rushed in here like you were being chased by an angry mob~?" her eyes flickered with playful lights and her calm smile looked quite devilish like her revenge would soon be near.

Hearing what she said, I went a bit pale remembering how Karla chased me.

'...No matter what I do, she's going to find me, isn't she?' was a point that constantly floated about my head. Though it wasn't all bad news. Karla was quite beautiful after all, so I wasn't entirely on the losing side.

"Oh~? You've gone quite pale, are you okay, Kurosawa-kun~?" her teasing only got stronger and in return only made my embarrassment much higher.

I was about to tell someone I was running from a girl half my size and simply wanted to know my name and flirt with me...But they didn't know how terrifying she was in terms of strength! Oh, the humanity!

Knowing I had to get it over with, I slouched back into my chair and crossed my arms. I averted my gaze from Monika's piercing green eyes and finally spoke out, "I was running away from a girl who wanted to know my name and presumably my contact information..." I basically whispered this out but I knew Monika heard it loud and clear as she perked up before her shoulders started shaking.

A hand was covering her mouth as she tried not to look at me.

Feeling my embarrassment suddenly turn to slight annoyance, I playfully glared at Monika, "Oi, senpai, aren't you supposed to be supporting your wonderful kouhai? I was nearly assaulted by that girl!"

Despite my words, Monika didn't stop stifling her laughter, in fact, her laughter got even harder to hold back.

"Pfftt, you're playboy ways must have backfired on you, it's karmic justice...pftt ahahahaha!" her pearly giggles were soothing to my ears but felt like someone was stamping on my pride as a man.

...Though I didn't mind it being tarnished if it was by Monika. A playboy naturally has thick skin and a shamelessness unrivaled by anyone when it comes to girls! What is pride if it means I can't romance a girl!? Huh, what is it?!

Seriously though, I'd probably break anyone else if they were laughing at this news - purely to make sure they can't spread said news. I guess I was just a little soft of Monika is all.

Finally, after she continued laughing for a while, Monika looked up at me with a sudden fondness that caught me off guard. Though it quickly went away, her green eyes shining and looking at me with strong emotions, was an image that was stuck in my head.

"Well, I've got to say that's unfortunate led to us meeting so it shouldn't be a bad memory, right?" she smiled brightly at me and I felt the need to cover my eyes from the brightness I saw from Monika's pure smile. Her white teeth and full lips, along with her eyes squinted in happiness made me forget about my suspicion on how she was acting.

But I would later remember this moment and feel a hell of a lot of clarity about what I would learn in the future.

Anyway, I just gently smiled at what Monika said and had to say that she was right. If it weren't for Karla I wouldn't have run into this room. Guess I had something to thank her for if she didn't try to assault me the next time I met her.

"That's...Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't have known I have such a beautiful senpai~" throwing out a bit of casual flirting, I saw a little blush appear on Monika's cheeks. Hmm, seems she's getting better at resisting my teasing~

Nodding her head, Monika looked over at me with a playful smile, "Exactly, nor would I have found such an interesting kouhai~"

Hoho~ It seems she wants to go on the offensive? How fun~

"Oh? And what's so interesting about me, Monika-senpai?" tilting my head to the side with an 'innocent' look on my face, I saw Monika freeze up for a moment before answering.

We continued our conversation and flirting for a few more minutes before I popped a question toward her.

"Are you in a club, Monika-senpai?" though I asked this innocently it wasn't without ulterior motives. Even if they were good-natured, they were still hidden motives.

I wanted to join the club to help the girls within. Even if I didn't get with them, I hoped to at least be a good, supportive friend who could help them along with their problems.

Anyway, upon hearing me, Monika instantly perked up and looked at me with an intense gaze.

"Yes! I'm the President for the Literature Club!" she tilted her head upward with a prideful look on her face.

...It was so unbelievably cute I almost lose my reasoning.

But she didn't stop there as she lost her prideful look and leaned toward me with a pleading expression, "So, as the President of the Literature Club, I'm requesting if you want to join the Club!"

"Sure, I'll join."

"I know you like physical activities more than creative ones but--" Monika stopped her quick speaking and just stared at me dumbly, "Wait, what?"

Seeing her confused face, I felt a spark of playfulness, "What? Do you not want me to join anymore?"

Not seeming to hear my joking tone, Monika quickly shook her head from side to side, "No, that's not what I meant!" she released she'd been a bit forceful and tried to compose herself away from her worry, "It's just I thought you'd much rather join a Sports Club or a Martial Art Club like Karate or Archery. They seem much more up your alley," she finished off her talk with a weak smile, "I just didn't think you'd enjoy sitting in a club talking about books, poems and the like."

Hearing her, I couldn't help but let out a scoff-like laugh, "I may look like an uncultured brute, Monika-senpai, but I definitely have interests in such things as Books, Poems and the like," I stopped my laughter before calmly looking over at Monika, "Plus, it wouldn't hurt to speak about books I've read with other like-minded people," smiling, I saw Monika go into a bit of a daze before smiling herself, looking sincerely happy.

I guess that my charm was just so high she was momentarily stunned~

Remembering something I stood up before looking down at Monika, "Oh yeah, do you wanna do some stuff on the Piano, senpai? I could give you some tips," proposing this to her, I casually walked over to the Piano before running a hand across the Piano and playing out a little tune I used to practice.

It wasn't anything serious but it got across a message: I'm not shitting you, Monika, I know what I'm doing.

Hearing my joyful little tune Monika raised her eyebrows in genuine surprise. Seeing this, I put on a smug face, to which Monika playfully rolled her eyes at but she still got up and came over and sat down on the long Piano bench.

While she did that, I saw a piece of sheet Music and some lyrics next to it on the Piano's sheet stand. Raising my eyebrows, I leaned over.

"Oh, what do we have here?" my voice seemed to alert Monika as she quickly went to grab the sheets of paper. Smirking I used my superior speed to pick up the sheets and looked at them.

"H-hey, Kurosawa-kun, give those back! And don't look at them!" looking at Monika I saw her face had gone blood red and the embarrassment was practically rolling off of her.

She went to grab them from me but I used my taller body and longer arms and dangled the sheets just out of her reach, "Uh huh, senpai, let me read them before I give them back~"

Looking up at the sheets, I ignored the brunette who was currently jumping up and down in front of me trying to get the piece of paper. Though I did take a few glances at her front side to see her boobs jiggling about.

...It was worth the glares I got from causing Monika to jump up and down.

Anyway, on the sheets were lyrics I was very familiar with. It was the song from DDLC played at the end - 'Your Reality'.

Seeing this I raised an eyebrow. Why would she write this if she wasn't affected by knowing the code of the game?

With such thoughts running through my head, I absentmindedly handed down the sheets to Monika who held them close to her youthful chest. She looked up at me with a red face and stuck out her tongue.


Was all she said before turning around and placing the sheets back on the Piano's music stand.

Looking down at her, I felt that I needed to try something.

"Hey, Monika," she looked up at me, a mock look of annoyance on her face. Ignoring this I continued, "Can I play that piece of music?"

"Huh? Why?" she seemed sincerely confused and even I was confused but I just needed to play that music to see how Monika reacted.

Shrugging my shoulders at her question, I answered her with a slightly embarrassed voice, "I don't know, I just want to play it. I guess you could say I like it so much I feel like I have to play it."

Though what I said wasn't entirely truthful, it wasn't a total lie. I did want to play the song, after all, it was a nice song despite the sadness it instilled in me whenever I listened to it.

Maybe it would be different if I played it next to Monika?

Hearing what I said, Monika seemed a bit taken aback but still shuffled over nonetheless, "Uhh sure, take it away, Kurosawa-kun," she smiled at me, obviously a bit nervous her song wouldn't live up to my expectations.

Sitting down next to her, I turned to her and smirked, "I hope you don't mind that I'll be singing the song as well~"

She just nodded at this point, well aware that no matter what she said, I'd do it.

Sitting down I got myself into position before I began to play. It was quite an upbeat song and I felt my head bobbing to the sound of my fingers dancing across the keys.

I skillfully pressed my fingers down before moving them to the next keys I had to press with practiced precision. I guess I had my Grandma from my past life to thank for this skill. Even if she was an incredibly strict woman.

(A/N - here's the song if you want to listen along~!)

"Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you."

"In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you"

"The ink flows into a dark puddle, just move your hand - write the way into her heart"

My voice rang out throughout the room, echoing around with sound waves that were both deep and soothing, ending in a nice feeling in others who heard them.

Monika went solid when I began singing in tandem with my playing like something was just popping into her head in a massive realization. But it soon cleared and she started bobbing her head to the song along with me.

"But in this world of infinite choices, what will it take just to find that special day? What will it take just to find that special day?"

I continued my singing, and seeing that Monika seemed to immensely enjoy it, I wondered if I should earn some money by singing?

...Nah, it should just stay as a hobby. I'm a fighter after all.

But it did seem that part of my genetics gave me a near-perfect singing voice and along with my perfect body coordination that let me move my body however I wanted, I seemed to be a brilliant Musician. Though I suspect I'd be brilliant at anything that required a good body.

Halfway through the song, I looked over at Monika who had her eyes closed and a massive smile spread across her face.

"When I can't even read my own feelings, what good are words when a smile says it all?" saying this I felt a tug at my heart while looking at Monika.

I'd definitely do my best to help her in this world.

Unfortunately, I was so kept up in my own thoughts that I missed the cue for the next line of lyrics and this brought Monika out of her joyful daze, only to look at me with a very confused face.

I, realizing what I did, laughed before I stopped playing.

I knew that I needed to leave for now otherwise I'd be reduced to an idiot full of emotions in front of Monika. I didn't want to embarrass myself like that but I couldn't stop the influx of feelings from playing this song while looking at Monika.

It was weird, I know that but I was only Human, and quite frankly, Humans are really weird sometimes. I bet there are loads of people out there with weird quirks, so 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone' is an apt line for the current situation. Everyone's weird, I guess, I'm just honest about it.

Suddenly standing up, I heard a confused sound come from Monika before I looked at her and smiled a little, "I've gotta get going, Monika-senpai. I don't have permission like you and I can't skip all of Homeroom otherwise my teacher will kick my ass."

With this, I waved goodbye to her and told her I'd visit the club after school today. She waved goodbye in a bewildered manner and I quickly left before I made an idiot out of myself.

What was wrong with me?

POV Change - Monika

Seeing him leave, I let down my act before smiling joyfully, my lips threatening to tear under the pressure of my happiness.

I wasn't in the game anymore. I could finally be with him. I could finally be with MY Player, with Kurosawa-kun.

When I woke up without access to the game code and saw that my entire world was fleshed out unlike that infernal game I was trapped in, I thought I was dreaming.

But when I saw him enter, and heard him play that song...I knew it wasn't a dream but instead, a dream come true.

How did I know it was him? I'm not sure. But I could just feel it was him in my bones.

Call it silly but when you've had the ability to manipulate the code of your own world and knew truths that would drive anyone mad, you learn to pick up a few things.

And right now, I could just feel that Kurosawa, no, Hiroki was the one I knew was controlling the Protagonist during the game.

I knew there was the problem that he most likely would end up liking the other girls in the club...but from how he was looking at me during the song...I know I hold at least a part of him and quite tightly at that.

And maybe I deserve this much punishment for what I did to them in the game. A sudden wave of guilt hits me, nearly forcing bile up my throat and out my mouth but I control myself and resolve myself to help them.

They deserved happiness just as much as me. Even more so now that we're in the real world.

...But that girl who was chasing my Hiroki should be a problem. I owe her nothing and if she tries to take him away...I don't mind doing what I did again.

Clearing my head of the dark thoughts, I got back to playing the Piano while thinking about what to do with Hiroki.

Should I take our relationship slow or should I seduce him quickly? I have so much time to make up for~

Monika lightly hummed a tune as she thought about Hiroki heading to class, smiling to herself she whispered, "We are going to be together this time for sure..." as the sun peeked into the room and over her head showing the crazy yet loving smile on her flawless face.

The sound of a piano echoes from the Empty Classroom, akin to a musical confession of her feelings.