Tortured For Four Whole Years

Xin was yelling while fighting Armored Thorndillo.



Faust laughs as if he was playing with a child...


- Kid it's only half a month! Endure it! After four years start complaining.

Xin was aggravated and spent his whole anger on beast. But, it was Thorndillo,if he punch it it has recoil, he punched it anyway. Faust surprised that Xin don't lose his consciousness after punching Thorndillo for whole time. Thorndillo was on shell, it's shell is hard and spikey so it won't fight back unless...

After 2 years of torture, Dawn was never lose his consciousness and still has on sharp sense. After defeating 68 Thorndillo, 34 Armored Spine, 12 Lethal Lizard, 34 Horned Eagles and 5 Underground Crawler, Dawn felt sense of accomplishment. Faust complimented Dawn.


- GOOD! Kid, as reward we will go down to town and you'll enroll to Heavenly Academy! You're not permitted to say that you're my deciple got it?

Behinds Faust words are, This kid really done it! What's good is in two years span of time! Even he has no Magic Energy he has excellent build!


- Tsk... Who would boast that you are disciple of someone? You've Tortured Me Not Being Trained!

Xin's words are from heart.


- Still... Good luck!

Xin was felt warm in small time. They descended in Mountains and replaced his very clean but thorned clothes even Xin complain in his crude clothes. Faust only do is laugh at Xin while Xin being enraged against Faust.

They've arrived at Heavenly Academy. As for Xin is turning 15, Faust said that he won't casually show his skills. Xin already understood it the moment he start fighting 2 and half years ago. Because it is not normal, the pattern of beast fights, the way of penetration of armour, footwork and especially the state of mind. Xin already knew why Faust is the Warmonger.

They meet the Head who govern the Academy, and approved Xin's application. Xin was already poor so Faust gave him 100 gold for his needs with a smile on his face. After that, Faust never came back.