I've been playing with my little brother a lot for years now. That is, since he started to speak. We had a lot of fun everyday. I always wait for him to wake up every morning and play all sorts of games we could think of; hide and seek, tag, and sometimes even indoor games. I'm so happy to have him as my brother. He always makes my day. But when the night falls, mom would tuck him to bed and I would feel sad knowing that we can only play during daytime. I'm making the most of the days that I get to be with him. He's the only one who can see me. That's just how this "imaginary friend" thing works. I'm not one though, I died a year earlier before he was born and if I would stay with him, they may start exorcising or blessing these house. I wouldn't want that. I don't want to leave just yet. I want to be able to see them while it lasts. Not too long now though, he won't be able to see me forever. I hope he'll remember me. But for now, I'll just keep watching him until his 6th birthday strikes in three, two, one. I'll miss you baby bro. Happy birthday!