My dog had been lost for two days now. It's sad because he's my best friend and I kind of miss him. I tried to look for him everywhere I could think of. Where I think he might have been, but I still couldn't find him. I'll be looking for him again now and hope I could find him. I mean he might have just found a bitch to breed with or something and will probably come home soon. I'll just hope that's the case. I am currently passing by the third street of the subdivision. It's currently 6 pm or so and the streets are getting darker. I heard a bark which sounded like my dog. It was a bit off though so I neglected it. It bark again. It really does sound like him so, maybe... I look around to where the sound may have come from. I think it was from inside my neighbor's gate. Their gate is quite huge, but not huge enough to fit a person. Although a dog might be able to. I think they aren't home right now because the lights are off. I tried to look inside the gate. I saw what seems like my dog, same color and stuffs. I'm so delighted to finally find him so I tried to call him and got nearer the gate, but as I got closer, I realized that it was just his fur and bones that I saw. Some blood stains also remains in his fur. Who could have done this? As much as I wanted to know, I felt a sudden chill down my spine. I couldn't find the courage to look up. It felt like I was being watch.