
"Hi!" I received a message from an unknown account. I'm pretty sure it's just one of those people trying to find a girlfriend online so I ignored it.

"Hi!" I received another message from the same person the other day. I felt really annoyed so I decided to block the account.

"Hi! Why did you block me Tanya?" Another message from the same account. I swear to god I did block this person, and how did he found out my name when I'm using a dummy account?" I just thought, maybe I made a mistake one day that potentially had revealed my name? I don't know but I still didn't respond. It continued for days. I tried blocking hin several times either but it somehow just unblock on itself.

"Hi, you were beautiful today. Have you eaten your lunch yet?"

"Hi, the dogs from earlier were really big. Weren't you scared?

"Hi, I saw your cat earlier. He's getting really chubby."

How the heck did he even know I had a cat, or about the big dogs from earlier? I decided to reply hoping that he might probably stop if I did.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Oh, hi Tanya. You finally replied. I don't want anything really. Looking at your face is enough." he responded.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't have plans on knowing you. But will you stop chatting me or I'll call the police."

"Relax Tanya, your face looks really cute when you're angry." he said.

I look out from the window to see if he was there. There was no one.

"Oh Tanya, were you looking for me? That really fluttered me. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet soon enough." he said.

"Stop being a creep." I finally exploded and lie down on my back, frustrated. It was then that I saw it, at my ceiling. There was a little opening enough to fit a head, and a guy was there staring down at me with his huge grin.