
I just transfered to a new university as a freshmen. It was a bit far from our house so I was force to stay in a dorm. My dorm was a 5-7 minutes walk to and from school so it was pretty convenient for me.

Tomorrow is the first day of school so I went to arrange my stuffs on my new dorm today. I got my keys from the landlady and went on to my room. When I went inside I was greeted by my new roommate. I greeted her cheerfully and proceeded to arrange my stuffs. It was about 6 pm in the evening so by the time that I finished unpacking, I was too exhausted and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning my roommate was gone it was 7 am but considering the distance from here to school, I'd say she was rather too punctual. That night she was the first to get home from school. It's pretty weird that I haven't seen her in the campus. But then the school was pretty huge so not really something unusual. It went on like that for days.

She'd be the first to leave the house and the first to got home from school. I thought she might not have friends that's why she was doing that but... she is really chummy so it was never a boring day with her so I don't know why no one would be her friend. The days passed by so quickly until it was weekend. On weekends, I promised my parents I would go home to my hometown and be back during sunday night. That morning, my roommate wasn't home even if it was still early in the morning and we had no classes. So I told the landlady to tell my roommate I'd be back on sunday night. She said I didn't have a roommate. Those words send shivers to my spine and now that I'm in my house, I'm still debating whether I should go back to that dorm tomorrow or not.