Stunned Alex stuttered, "The only man! What do you mean?"
"Just that there are only women on this planet."
"But how is that possible? Even I know that it takes two to create a baby. And if there are no babies, there are no more people."
"I believe that the population on this planet came from a shipwrecked long-range explorer from back in the early days of exploration. Back then it was normal to send out ships crewed with all men or all women." I said. "To survive, they turned to parthenogenesis. Babies are created artificially in crèches like this one. We are in Crèche 292, and I am in charge of the girls here. Which as far as the rest of this world goes includes you too."
Alex just shook his head in doubt and said: "Yeah, sure!"
Thinking that seeing was believing, I said, "Let's go get you some decent clothes and find your bed, then I'll show you around."
Finding a medical gown for Alex, we headed out into the courtyard. As we came into the daylight, Alex froze. Little girls no higher than a peanut, all the way up to full-grown stunners. No matter where Alex looked, all he could find were girls.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed over, and the group chatter started:
"How is she?"
"What is her name?"
"Is she staying with us?"
"Is she going to be in my room?"
"Can I play with her?"
"She is cute."
"So, flat!"
A few comments stood out, but mostly, it was a murmur of words all jumbled up.
Sue, our smallest little, somehow found her way through the group and grabbed his leg. I didn't even know Sue could walk that far without falling. Alex looked down, and Sue held up her arms in mute appeal. Alex lifted her and held her tight. Sue buried her head into his shoulder, and the tears began to flow from Alex's eyes in a stream.
"Alright, everyone, listen up!" I used my command voice to get their attention. "This is Alex. The caretakers have assigned her to this crèche. For now, as there are still some health issues, she will be bunking with me. Alex does have some hormonal challenges, so please don't point out things like her flat chest. Give the girl a break! Now break it up and get back to your chores. while I go get her settled." They were all good kids, even the few girls older than I did as I requested.
The group slowly disbanded except for Sue who hung on to Alex like glue. Ginny, who was in charge of the littles today, followed us. We made it back to the main house before Ginny was able to convince Sue to come to her.
Let's find you some clothes and start getting you a feel for the layout here. Alex followed me inside. And we wended our way up to my room. I've got the top bunk; you take the bottom for now.
Alex looked at me, and dully stated, "There are only girls."
" Yeah." I replied, "And their Imperium is archaic, and some words have changed. So it is best if you listen more than talk for a bit."
We found the supply room across the hall. I drew several everyday outfits of pants and shirts. Somehow I dug deep enough to find him a lovely dress, as we always dressed up for dinner here. "It would be best if you grabbed a quick shower right now when it is not in high demand."
I think he was still in shock as he just nodded his head. I made a mistake, the crew on KP tonight had just come in from the outdoor chores and were all getting ready for dinner. Imagine a playful basket of kittens all rolly polly, having fun. That was the showers right now.
Alex turned bright red! His nose spurted blood, and down he went.
Of course, the girls flocked around him with concern. He blinked open his eyes, took one good look, and was out again.
After chasing the girls out so they could take care of dinner, I stripped, picked up Alex as if he was a little, then we entered the warm spray of water. A dab of rub-a-dub-dub and Alex was clean. He finally opened his eyes while I was holding him tight against my chest. Alex looked into my eyes; then, his vision drifted down towards where we pressed against each other before fainting again. Tossing him over my shoulder as if he weighed nothing, which to my muscles, he was nothing. I strode back to my room.
He woke up in his bed. I had changed into this cute dress with flowers around the skirt that faded to a light yellow at the bust. Alex looked at me, then peaked under the covers and turned red again. "Time to get ready for dinner," I said. Holding his sheets firmly in place, he said, "Then turn around." I did—grinning inside. Yep, he was from one of the outer colonies. Gazing outside, I found that I could see him reflected by the window. Putting on a men's brief or a women's panty is not much difference, but he had a hard time with the dress. Although the fit was not bad, I'd had to hunt to find a dress that big with a triple-A cup.
"Are you clear on this now? You're a girl now, or at least you have to act like one. And there is nothing but more girls waiting downstairs in the dining hall. Pull it together. Remember the prime directive for First Contact! You're an Imperial Marine Cadet! Now act like it!"
Alex stared at me, then asked, "What's an Imperial Marine Cadet?"
Alex looked stunning—if you thought of him as a girl. His figure had that slim, elegant look—green eyes and shoulder length sandy blonde hair completed the picture. Almost every eye in the dining hall tracked his every step as he followed me into the dining hall.
Alex, on the other hand, looked gobsmacked as his eye drifted from one beautifully dressed girl to the next equally beautifully dressed girl.
Dinner was excellent. Roastbeast (a local bird reminiscent of a Teran Turkey), potatoes, and classic Terran veggies (remember all those seeds that the exploration ships carried?)
The after-dinner singing session and game playing was in full swing. Somehow everyone found a way to stop and try to talk to Alex. The only girl that managed to break through Alex's barrier was … (drum roll) Yep, little Sue.
My typical conversation with my girls went like this:
One-of-my-girls, "What is with her?"
Me, "She almost lost her life. Give her a chance, right now she is fighting major trauma."
One-of-my-girls, "She is super cute, but wow, is she flat!"
End of conversation…
Bedtime was always a special time for me. Alex walked with me as we did the rounds. We both tucked in littles if needed. We handed out last second drinks, and Alex even managed to handle a last-second diaper change. Alex was super good at cuddling the littles when required; he put them to sleep in a heartbeat. Usual mommy stuff in reality. Surprisingly, Alex was good at this. So I asked, "Alex, your so good with this, did you have any brothers or sisters at home?"
Unexpectedly he responded, "Yeah, three pain-in-the-neck little sisters…." Then he dragged to a stop as his memory disconnected again. Not thinking I pulled him close and held him, "It is Ok, as you heal your memory will return." All I got out of this was a wet shirt as the tears turned on again.
One thing I like about doing rounds at night is checking the kitchen and making sure none of tonight's dessert was wasted. Well Ok, so it was waisted.
Night vision enhancement allowed me to see at night as if it was daylight. Alex, on the other hand, was stumbling about in the dark. I should have grabbed a light, but—habit… I grabbed Alex's hand, and we walked hand in hand in the silent darkness. Stars spilled out from the milky way that flooded the eastern sky. Insects chirped, branches rubbed against each other in the light breeze. It felt so peaceful, and then I noticed how warm Alex's hand was in mine. I think we both pulled away at the same instant.
Typically everyone was in bed and asleep when I finished my rounds. Thoughts of hot water spilling over my tired shoulders spurred me on. Tonight I sent Alex to take a shower, warning him that the plastron must be put back on before he got out of bed in the morning. Then I kept watch, 'to make sure no one intruded.' After escorting Alex back to my room, I tucked him into the bottom bunk as if he was a little.
I shivered with pleasure as I took my time under the hot water. Then vigorously dried my self, once I managed to get from under the water. Patting my hair damp dry caused it to spring into curls. I stepped into pink panties before shimming into my typical loose-fitting white nighty while still in the showers rather than wearing my towel to my room as a wrap around like most of us usually do.
Noticing that Alex had fallen asleep, I started climbing to the top bunk; I heard Alex suddenly catch his breath in a gasp. I looked down to see his face wearing the strangest expression; there was a small spot of blood from his nose. His eyes locked with mine and he croaked out "Pink!" then ducked his head and pulled up the covers over his head.