Kossboss has inspired this particular crossover and I would actually like to see the original continue but the author said it was unlikely and it's been a while so I'm trying get a similar book up though obviously changes are necessary to avoid plagiarism and I'm going to b updating this as ideas come to me for those interested in the original heres the address
harry has been treated like crap since his parents died and he's learnt to look after himself that he can't trust anyone to really be there when he needs help so when the basilisk venom destroys the horcrux in his scar giving him not only all of Tom's memories (slowly over time till it speeds up in summer he uses occlumency to sort it all out) it also gives him immunity to poisons as well as some potions clearing his system of several personality modifiers.
he is pissed about what has been done to him but knows there is little he can do,due to Dumbledores power so plans to leave.
calling dobby to help him he tells him of his plans to leave and his need of him to help with the preparations gaining several elves and learning dobby still has access to the malfoys money and properties and gets dobby to aquire as many elves as he can getting him to target hogwarts and death eaters as well as the abusive masters the most but to not limit themselves to Britain
expanded trunks are ordered capable of promoting life (meaning sunlight, air and ground to be planted) and several farms are established (think potions,food, and textiles)
books are ordered from world wide,so are seeds and creatures