The “New Year” party

I went to the New year party like I promised.

There were a lot of college kids that I didn't know.

I smelled something strong.

"Alcohol. Right," I thought.

A few college kids were chatting with me about the author world of writing.

Carly was passing out a platter of brownies.

"I made them myself October," Carly says.

I took a brownie and ate it.

It was pretty good and it was moist with a hint of salted caramel.

That's when I was feeling trippy.

The room started to slip away from me and it felt like I was stuck on one tile of flooring. The room also started to spin.

When I was talking to a college girl I started to see double.

"Are you alright," the girl asks me while waiving a hand in my face.

I can't believe it! I'm stoned!

Lucky enough that I walked here.

I left the room and walked home.

The night was dark and peaceful.


When I got home the house was really quiet.

"I hope everyone is asleep," I say to myself.

I tiptoed to my room.

My room was in the long hallway that has a creak in the floor when you walk in front of the door.

I opened my door. I carefully moved away from the creak.

My body was inside the room.

I shut the door quietly.

Let the night be over now.