Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day came by very quickly after tryouts for the talent show.

There was an envelope on my locker as soon as I walked to my locker.

I was hoping that it was from Becky, so we can be back in a relationship. What would she say if the feud is still going on?

I tear the envelope open.

Inside was a card. It reads:

Sorry about what I said. I hope it doesn't change anything between us. I just want to be there for you October and help you. When I asked if you liked me well I never knew it would turn out to be like this. I hope to make it up to you somehow. I really care about you and I'm worried about you. Please forgive me.


I tore up the card.


The creative writing class was taking place in the library.

"Happy Valentine's Day class. We have our Valentine's Day project. We will be selling Valentine's Day messages to everyone in the school for the rest of the day. Just to make it a fun project everyone can choose to work with someone or alone. We can have a competition. Winner will receive a party with Mrs. Holiday." Creative Writing Teacher announced.

Everyone started to pair up with people.

Becky and I were the only ones left.

I decided to work on the project myself.

It would mean a lot for Becky and me to be on our own for the moment.

The competition started.

The class went to classroom after classroom to sell messages.


After a while I decided that there was no way that I would sell as much messages as everyone else. I decided that I should give up while I could.

I could only get some messages from teachers.

Before I threw in the towel I saw another envelope on my locker.

I opened the envelope. It reads:

Even though I'm not working on this project with you I have hope for you. I believe in you.


It was sent from one of the messages that we were selling.

That was my first sign to not give up.

As I continued to sell I could sell a lot more than I was doing before.


At the end of the school day the creative writing teacher was counting the sales from the messages.

"Class for the first time in the years of teaching here we have a tie between October and the entire class of Mrs. Holiday. They will have their party at the end of the week. Congratulations to our winners." Creative Writing Teacher says.

The class applauded.