The trip

It has finally come! The Junior/Senior trip is here!

I was the first one up and running around.

Becky's mom loads up the car and drove Becky and I to the school.

All the Juniors/Seniors in one trip! I can't wait!


By the time Becky's mom got to the school all the juniors and seniors were loading the bus. Becky and I grabbed our bags.

"Have fun kids." Becky's mom says.

Becky and I walked to the bus. There were empty seats in the middle of the bus. Becky and I sat in the seats. Mr. Summers boards the bus.

"Welcome to the Junior/Senior trip! We will be on our way to Playland!" Mr. Summers announced.

The students cheer.

"Onwards!" Mr. Summers yells.

Mr. Summers sat down in a seat. The bus starts moving. The kids were chanting 'Rye, New York' on the way there.


After the wait, we were here.

"Playland!" Everyone shouted.


The door opens, and everyone rushes off the bus. Mr. Summers walks off the bus.

"Okay everyone please pick a partner and meet us here after the park closes." Mr. Summers instructed.

Becky grabs my hand.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask.

"Yes I am. Who cares what they think?" Becky replied.


Becky and I entered the park and grabbed a map.

"This park is huge!" Becky exclaimed.

"I want to go on the GO-KARTS." I said.

"You can go. I will wait and then we can Bumper Cars." Becky agrees.

Becky and I walked to the GO-KARTS.


After the coasters and games, we cleared the park.

We stayed at the Holiday inn that wasn't far from the park. Becky and the whole Holiday class were having a sleepover in the hotel room. Becky told me to come by. I came by with my bags.

"Hi everyone." I said.

Valeria turns to Becky.

"Who invited Mr. Steal-our-leader to the party?" Valeria asks.

"I did and it's my choice." Becky replied.

"I still say he can't stay." Valeria grunts.

Becky introduces me to the rest of the kids in the room. There was Henry, Lisa, Mindy, Isaiah, Jackson, and Ray.

Ray and Lisa are twins and they are autistic. Henry is Hard of hearing, but he does read lips. Ray is Dyslexic and reads to practice reading. Isaiah is Bipolar, but he has it high functioned in him. Mindy was a shy person who we don't know much about.

Valeria paces herself to me when Becky wonders out of the room.

"Don't think I don't know who you are. October James the guy who likes our leader due to her condition. We will not tolerate this October." Valeria states.

I gulped loudly.

"You are in our domain until you walk across that stage. You better watch your step." Valeria states.

Becky returned with a platter of snacks.

"How is everything going?" Becky asks.

Holidays' class and I said fine to lie.

"Good. We are going to celebrate my last year of being at the school and my birthday early." Becky stated.

Wait what? It's Becky's last year?

"How old will you be?" I ask Becky.

"It's my big twenty-one. I will be living life elsewhere and I will be having my twins." Becky says.

"Becky who's the dad?" Valeria asks.

The Holiday kids were excited more than a person who won the lottery.

"I can't tell you. I promised to keep them a secret." Becky stated.

"Please. Can we know?" Ray begs.

Becky shakes her head.

"Not telling." Becky replied.

"Please Becky tell." Lisa begs.

"No." Becky says.

"Please Becky. We're really dying to know. Spill the beans." Henry typed on his electronic keyboard.

"Fine! It's someone who came on the trip." Becky says.

The Holiday kids didn't know what hit them. They were complete blank. Soon Valeria had an answer.

"Is it him?" Valeria whispers to Becky pointing to me.

Becky fell silent. She knew we were in trouble. She told that we were having a child and we were dating. The Holiday kids looked at me hardly.

Lisa was the first to speak after a long quiet pause.

"Well we actually were not expecting that. Now we have to celebrate." Lisa says.

Valeria went to the kitchen to fix up some drinks.

"Beck we want details." Lisa orders.

"Well that's-" Becky began.

"We can't share that. We are keeping it between us." I stated.

"You know that we know that you two are dating now and the stomach will prove a lot." Lisa stated to me.

Valeria walks over to me and hands me a cup.

"Lisa, you said too much. Let's embrace having another person to the family." Valeria says walking over to me.

Family? Something is up.

"Drink up October. It's for you." Valeria orders.

I chugged the cup down.

"Whoa. That was good." I shouted.

It tasted like cherries and strawberries. After a while I started to feel woozy.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"Time to party October. Welcome to Hell!" Ray shouts.

Suddenly I felt like I was tied up. I started to see makeup being applied to my body. My shirt was being teared open.

"Don't worry about Becky. She won't be back until later. Lisa and Mindy have fun with our subject." Valeria states.

Lisa and Mindy shove my body onto the bed. Valeria ties on retrains on my arms.

"It's made special for people like you. We always label our inventory. You are in our control now." Valeria says.

Ray sets a trunk on the table next to the bed. He opens the trunk.

"Oh my god. You worship punishments?" I whisper.

"Not always. We were-" Mindy started.

"Mindy! Shut your trap and work with the subject." Valeria ordered.

Lisa browses the trunk. Everything was labeled to the last inch. There was "Cheater", "Beater", "One Nights", "Stand-Up Dates", and many more.

"Aha." Lisa says.

Lisa pulls out a whip from the trunk.

"That's not going to scare me." I scoffed.

"Oh no?" Valeria asks me.

Valeria clips my restraints to the curtains rod.

"Not working. Why don't you understand?" I ask.

Lisa hands Mindy the whip.

"Do it! Whip him." Lisa shouts.

Mindy looks at the whip, then at me, then back at the whip.

"No. I'm not going to do it." Mindy says.

"What did you say?" Valeria asked Mindy.

"I said 'no' Valeria. You can't make me." Mindy replied.

Valeria grabs Mindy's wrist and squeezes it.

"I have broken your arm and I'm not afraid to do it again." Valeria states to Mindy.

Mindy snatches her wrist back.

"You can boss me around at home, but I'm not doing this here or to him." Mindy snapped.

Valeria snatches the whip and knocks over Mindy.

"I'll do it myself." Valeria says.

Valeria readies the whip by swinging back.

I sighed.

"You make this too easy." I state.

"I make it for our protection." Valeria says.

Famous last words. Valeria swings the whip.


The whip hits my chest. I lick my lips.

"Did that hurt?" Valeria asks.

"No. You're wasting your time. Stop while you are ahead." I replied.


The whip hits my side this time.

"I love this whip. It brings me joy." Valeria states.

"Then try getting a hobby. I'm bored watching you whip me." I reply.


The whip scared my rib section. The skin tears off.

"Understand this. If you are in the school, you are in my domain." Valeria states.

Valeria turns the bottom of her whip.


I jumped. That hurt me.

"My special for my whip. It brings pain out of people and it electric shocks them too." Valeria added.

"Why would I go through this?" I ask.

"Because you are one of them." Valeria replied.

Valeria pressed the button and whipped me.

"Ahhh! That hurts!" I shouted.

I readjust myself.

"Look I know about Rose." I say.

"What do you know?" Valeria asks.

"I know she was hit by a car and it was by people who were in general education. They must have hated you all to do something like that. I didn't want that between us or your leader. I wanted her because I was in love with her." I reply.

Valeria drops the whip.

"Valeria are you okay?" I ask.

Valeria drops the restraints and take the cuffs off my wrists. A tear falls down Valeria's face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry October." Valeria sobs.

We really need to fix our relationship here and now.

"It's still the trip. So why cry about it? We should live it up right now." I suggested.

"I can agree to that." Mindy agreed.

"Do you think we can pull our trip off for Becky?" Valeria asks.

"It's for you and me to decide. Make the move already." I ordered.

Valeria picks up a remote and hands it to me.

"Good choice." I say.

I press a button and the stereo came to life with music. We started to party like we were in a music video. Becky came and joined in later. The party went on almost all night.

I fell asleep with Becky and woke up the next morning.

Then the Junior/Senior trip was over.

It was time to finish the school year.