Longing for you

Unknown to them, Aurora was wide awake the moment Caleb close the door. Due to the soundproof, she didn't hear any of their discussion. Instead she was staring at the ceiling as if she could see the man who's been conquering her heart. He looked messy and thin. But there's something dashing about him that made her heart beat rapidly. She didn't expect to see him. Without others knowing, she silently wish they bumped each other in that two years. But it was only her wish. She thought he forgot about her and move on with his life. It was only recently she found out he never did proceed with the divorce. No matter how many times her lawyer came, her lawyer was chase away before he could even enter the building. She was still his wife as to now. Unsure of the news but somewhere deep in her heart, she was happy to still have something with him. A certain light brighten up her dark, dull and ruthless heart. It's like the two years she trained herself to not care anything about him nor his company has all gone down the drain the moment she saw him. His clean image now vanished when all she saw the rugged look covering his dashing figure. But her sickness doesn't seem to allow her to dream any further with him. Which is why she kept on running. And that ember that lit up suddenly died down. She sighed heavily. Her heart longed to be with him and will always be him.

Arriving at the place within 3 hours, they directly went to one of the private resort that Aurora owned. It's close to the sea and private at the same time. No one would dare to enter that particular spot. The reason she bought it mainly because she discover interesting looking cave and she even decorate that cave to make it look like a home. Usually whenever she went to the capital, she would hang out there. Spent most of her time just staring the changing waves, weather and other interesting thing. Basically a leisure like activity. There she didn't bother to bring any works while the others would go to their own resort. Only once in a while would they disturb her peace. Usually it was Caleb who would always come and check on her. But because her health is declining lately, they insist her to stay at the resort build just for her. At least it's close to them. Until her health is fully well, they will go wherever she goes. These past two years, they're always on guard. With the frequent business trip and endless meeting, they've been accompanying her everywhere. And because the poison attack are easily triggered and worsen for the past two years, making them reluctant to be away from her. Right now, she's in the resort sitting while reading the documents that needed to be signed with one arm occupied with the drip that Caleb put on her. Zeus who was by her side took out a laptop for him to type out the details that are needed to be added as she read the document. It has been hectic. She was not supposed to do any work. But since her company decided to venture in M.I.C.E(meeting,incentives, conference and exhibitions), she had to focus on it 100% using every leisure time that she had to accomplish it by the end of this month. Getting sick at this moment is not an excuse. She planned to finalize it by the end of this month. Thus why, she had to bring lots of paperwork this time.

While both Zeus and her were busy, the others decided to go out and play. Only Tristan, Caleb, Derek and Steven stayed. They took this time to relax since it's been a tiring month. Tristan needed to handle the chaos that William created in his territory. Trying to smuggle drugs and human trafficking which is something that he hate the most. But the minions under him are trying to rebel saying his way is too soft. It's the underworld. Anything could happen as they claimed it. Now there are rebel trying to dethrone him and made William the new King. As if he's going to let that happen. That William doesn't know the one rule in the underworld. They bow to Lucifer. Those who are trying to rebel will meet it's own grim reaper. For the moment, Tristan is just trying to keep things under control without baring his own fangs.