Darling devil heart

Inside the room, Aurora's face change from warm to cold. Making Caleb and Zeus felt like they have done something terribly wrong. Probably they did something wrong by colliding with the others but they do have their conscience. Which is why they're inside the room with her instead of outside the room with the rest of them. And now it seems that was a bad idea. No matter how innocent Aurora look, they've known every part of her to the changes on her face. She may shown her warm side to Cole. But with them, there's no mercy. She's the darling with a devil heart sister. It's hard to tell if they and their other brothers will survive her wrath after tonight. Perhaps they should seek Cole in this case.

"Who let Cole to come here?" There it goes. The moment she speak it's as if you're breathing snow. Their sweats turn into icicles.

"It was for your sake Aurora." Caleb try to soothe her temper. She's never easy to deal when she decided to make other people's life living in hell.

"Did i ask? All of you know why i decided to stay away. The main reason me leaving him. With my unforeseen sickness that could attack anytime and even bring grim reaper to my door, you guys should know better that i can't afford to continue with this relationship."

"But you love him." Caleb said and his voice turn to higher note since they could heard the chaos that's happening on the other side of the door. And to make her see that with Cole by her side she can spend her life with no regret.

"It doesn't matter if i love him or not. Yes, it's true i love him but that doesn't mean i want him to see me in that state. I can't afford to have him in my life and to let him suffer. I thought you guys understood the reason for me to stay away from him. You guys are my brothers. The one i trusted the most. The place for me to depend when the whole world against me. Yet,,,"

"You know it's not true Aurora. We're your brothers and will always be. Because of the fact we're your brothers it doesn't mean we agree seeing you torturing yourself away. Wasting your life and digging your grave. Was it wrong for us to see you happy? Was it wrong for us to see you to live without regret? Tristan, Harrison, Steven, Caleb, Carl, Darren, Jacob, Aaron, Derek and me only wanted to do what a brother should do to their sister. Even if you will hate us. But just to put back the smile on your face. You know the moment you left Cole two years ago you were never the same person we used to know. You know it yourself. So tell me Aurora, was it wrong for a brother to do this much for his sister? As you can hear out there, although we're giving you to him but it doesn't mean we're letting him off easily. Or do you prefer us to kill him?" As usual, the quiet one will make others listen to reason. Zeus look at Aurora who's standing in front of them looking at them as if they are her enemies. But the moment he finished talking, the cold aura finally crack before her tears start to fall onto her face. Seeing her crying as if her whole world crumbling down and to finally show this side of hers to them after holding on for so long makes Zeus clench his fist tightly before getting close to her. As he brought her to his embrace her sobbing turns louder. Caleb join together and at the same time try to coax her in case her fragile emotion might trigger the poison inside her body.

"It's not wrong if you wanted to stay by his side. You know him better. Will he leave you when he knows you're sick? You know he loves you very much and you love him too. Why do you have to choose the hard way? Trust him Aurora. Just like you put your trust in us. He will never betray you. If he does, you have your brothers to beat him up. Won't you like that?" Zeus said gently. Aurora look up from her crying face and flash a smile before nodding.

"So, are we good?" Caleb ask carefully. Aurora turn to Caleb who's also hugging her. She flash the same smile and nod.

"We're good."

"Good, good. Everything is all good. But don't you think you should stop them from killing your husband?" The cheerful tone in his voice contradict the way he ask in concern.

"Just let them be. My husband is not that weak. Plus, it's time for Tristan to show his power to Lucifer." Aurora said nonchalantly. However Caleb end up gaping. Lucifer is Cole? How did that happen? And how did Aurora know when no one in the underworld knows. He only appear with mask on and it's been years he never made any appearance to the point people thought he was just a creation to scared others. Just what else Aurora knows and not telling them. This info is just scary. And he can't wait to see Tristan's reaction.