I still want to punish you

Despite the thought of meditating, his hands keep on roaming inside her shirt. Rubbing his palm against her oft skin. He could almost feel like he's going insane and inviting trouble for himself. His own hand refuse to listen to his inner scolding. Aurora is not helping either when she kept on rubbing against him. He curse the sofa that they're sitting on for making the place seem small for him to move away, curse the spacious insecure living room, curse the bright sun that's blaring indicating it's daylight and also curse himself for clinging onto her and didnt think of the consequences that he brought upon himself. The tightness from his lower body is not helping either as she keep on rubbing him there. It feels so good but yet a torture. Now that his hand start to snake inside her bra, he cupped Aurora's left breast making her gasped before she became restless against his touch. He's digging his own grave. The honest response from Aurora drove him nuts and his hand become bolder. It now slid near her waistband before she moved away and sat on his lap with a smirk on her face. Rubbing over his lower half over and over again. The obvious hardness could not be covered any longer.

"Sweetheart, you're killing me" he said between his torture and pleasure. He groaned when she shifted making it at the perfect angle. The only barrier that they have is their pants. Thus, he tried to undress her but she was quicker moving away leaving him hanging. Somehow, she stood up and grinned evilly at him. Cole felt frustrated when he was so close into making her his real wife. He groaned painfully. Looking at his wife who's looking with satisfaction.

"Wife..." he growled. Aurora response by leaning forwards purposely letting him see the two soft hidden mound. She slid her hand on his neck and give him a long hard kiss before letting go. He was trying to grab her again wanting to taste the sweetness that he longed for.But she was faster. He looked like he's in great deal of pain.

"Dear, i still feel like punishing you." She said before sitting on his lap once again. Continuing the same action as before. Cole had a hard time to breathe as he enjoy being ride by Aurora. He could always pinned her down and be done with it but if this is his punishment, he'll accept it somehow. Except he can't hold it any longer. He held her tight immediately, stopping anymore movement from her.

"How long until this end?" he asked gasping.

"How long do you want it to be?" she asked coquettishly.

He held up 1 finger.

"1 year? That seems short considering i've been married to you for 5 years now." she said innocently.

"One day." he growled. Aurora was startled.

"One day??! You think that's enough? What about my pain?" She frowned.

"I can give you more sweetness compare to the 5 years we've been married. I'll make it into 100 years of sweetness from now on. Which is why the punishment can only last for 1 hour." He replied.

"I thought i was the one who were supposed to be making the decision. And 1 hour? When did it change to 1 hour? You said 1 day just now."

"Did i? I'm sure i mention 1 minute." This time he hold onto Aurora tightly, not wanting her to continue her 'punishment'.

"COLE!!!" She yelled while punching him hard on his chest. He grimaced and astonished at the same time. Her small punch can really hurt and fatal. And because the day before he suffer from the 'bullying' from her brothers, his body still covered with bruises. It was at the exact place that she place her punch on. Although he tried hard to take her punch and play it cool but it was too painful to keel his face. He ended up loosen his grip and she took that exact moment to get up and stand further away from him.

"Wife, are you trying to kill your husband? Where do you learn to punch like that?" He would never believe if she said she learn it from her brothers. Her brothers are still too soft. While his wife gave some deadly punch. He's still rubbing his chest to ease away the pain and end up coughing while trying to take a deep breath. Aurora who notice his face turn pale start to worry. She immediately sat beside him once more and try to check the place she put her punch. Grabbing his shirt and open it without any hesitation, she gasped when she saw the bruises on him. Only then she remembered her brother's punishment yesterday. Looking apologetic, she try to call Caleb to check his condition. Before the call went through, Cole already seize her phone and put it away.

"Give it to me. You need to let Caleb to take a look. I'm sorry. Dear, give me the phone." She struggle to get her phone on his other side. Making it hard for her to reach it. Realizing she couldn't get it, she gave up and pouted.

Seeing her like that, Cole kiss her enchanting lip lightly before placing his head on her lap. His face snuggle against her stomach and his hand hugs onto her waist.

"Stay here like this with me. Then i'll forgive you." She nodded as she plays with his long hair. It somehow feels nice and ticklish against her palm. But she seem to be forgetting something. Who was supposed to apologize and give out punishment in the first place. She just let it be.