Multinational Annual Dinner

Everywhere is glittering screamed off wealth. Each pair of shoes could cost a house, every flick of a hand will cost your dream car and every dresses and suits would be compared like in an auction. It was the dinner of the wealth. Of the wealthiest among the wealthy. Making others are living their life like their own servants. In this annual dinner, nothing was served ordinary. Everything is cooked fresh and the waiter and waitress along with the chef suffer with a long list of allergies and the diet menu plan. Thankfully it was only for one day. Only The Blue Hotel would dare to accept such a heavy request as it was owned by Aurora herself. For years The Blue Hotel would always mesmerize their today's guest with outstanding menu and the design of the hall is just phenomenal. The hall was covered with glittering diamonds blinding the people as its masterpiece was the logo of Multinational which are crafted with coloured ice sculpture surrounded with desserts and appetizers. At 7 p.m the hall was already filled with powerful and wealthiest people. And in these events, they are some politicians and royal's blood attending the annual dinner. It is an important event for the rest of them. Some were networking while others were just socializing as if it is one of the requirement of the events. But in these events, they only focus on big rumors instead of the baseless slander nor nonsense rumors. They are indeed professional and none would want to create a war with each other. To disrupt the balance, they will have to go through the owner of The Blue Hotel themselves and it's certainly that everyone wants to avoid. They've seen her ruthless side too many times and won't hesitate to kill anyone who dare to challenge her. Speaking of the owner, the entire people in the hall suddenly quiet down as a feminine figure wearing baby blue colored princess dress with a long slit by her leg showing her alluring flawless leg everytime she took her step and phoenix brooch by her chest who's surrounded by five people on her side entered the hall. All eyes focus on her entourage as it brings dominant aura and the pressure of someone who had a royal blood. If back in the day, people would bow down their head or kneel on their knees when she enters. But this is the modern age, although it no longer be used but they still felt like they need to bow down to her with each step they took.

Aurora who's used to being the center of attention didn't bother to look around as she proceed towards her own table. She didn't bother to make any social contact nor look for any opportunity in expanding business with anyone. But that doesn't stop anyone from approaching her. Especially when she saw two figures coming at her. She just let them be while the rest of them just watch from the side. Either looking for the two figures to be ruthlessly rejected or stomp upon. All were thinking the same thing. However, they didn't expect to see the two of them took a seat side by side making Aurora sitting in the middle and start bantering with her like she was one of their old friend. But some recognize the two figures. It's the only people that Aurora allowed to approach. One is a big shot in the automobile world while the other is the holder of the country's finance. They are the same level as she is and with the approach of the two people sitting by her side, they start to converse among themselves again. Filling the hall with murmurs.

"Do you really have to make that kind of entrance? I almost kneel down on my knees when you enter the hall." The big shot of the automobile industry or better yet known as Hunter Cooper.

"I really would like to see that scene." says the one who's sitting by Aurora's right side. The one who holds the country's financial issue. With that power given to her she can easily topple the whole country and left them stranded. Who dares to mess with her as she is also known as Princess Alexis. Daughter of one of the outstanding royal generation that aged thousand years ago. Their wealth can easily buy another country and create another kingdom for their own but as time changes, they prefer living like a commoner. But it doesn't mean they wouldn't retaliate if someone were to mess with any of them.

"You!!! Must you be vicious the moment we meet up? It's been like years we hung out together. And i miss the times we run wild back then." Hunter says while reminiscing their rebellious days. It must have been weird for the three of them to be friends. None seem to have the same background nor anything that can connect them together back then. But during their rebellious years, he met Aurora who was daring enough to pick a fight with older men. He didn't know why, despite bad in martial art nor defense he end up helping her. Thus he end up with black and blue face while Aurora seem fine. He was devastated. And it start from then he kept following Aurora and even change his school to hers. And not long they met Alexis who was being bullied. They helped her and bla bla bla they become friends.

"I thought we only met last year. Where did this years come again? Are you having dementia?" Alexis who used to be weak now turn into a good bully. Her main victim? Obviously it's Hunter.

"I am going to strangle you one day. How did you grow up like this? I miss the weak, gentle, chubby baby Alexis back then."

"I'll rip your mouth if you dare to say that again." Alexis threatened. Aurora who had to suffer their back to back banter rolled her eyes. These two people.

"You both still not married yet? I'll end up as an old lady if you guys keep showing off. All these years, Hunter haven't propose yet? You might as well move on Alexis." Aurora decided to step in. However both of their reaction are rather comical as they both of them spurt out the drinks from their mouth almost making her dress dirty if she didn't dodge timely. Both wipe off their mouth before throwing curses after curses to her which she only smile lightly as she sipped on her drinks. Indeed it's been a long time since she lasts met them. She kind of miss them at the same time. While she was taking all of their curses, she could feel an intense stare targeting her. If she's not mistaken, it could be from the shameless husband who never took off his gaze from her. She sighed. Him acting this way will definitely make her two friends notice in no time. And just when she thought about it, Hunter nudge her with his elbow.

"He's been staring at you ever since you enter the hall and sitting here. If it wasn't because we're here he will definitely took the chance to sit with you."

"Ignore him." She said.

"How could that be? He'll be making a hole on your back or even burn you with his stare. Don't fall for that type of guy. He'll bring you trouble." Hunter said confidently. Aurora smirked inside. He already did, she mumbled in her heart.

Alexis suddenly smacked his head with her expensive clutch. Aurora who was sitting in the middle knew how much pain that clutch could cost. She's not surprised if Hunter would suffer some mental damage or probably concussion. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"I'll kiss you right here if you start being violence again. What was that for?" Hunter gave out his threat but Aurora felt like grinning when she saw Alexis red ear.

"Idiot. In case you don't know, he's Aurora's husband. Whatever hole you mention or burn, it will definitely be you. Didn't you see how his eyes can shoot laser whenever you come close to his wife?" Alexis was flustered when she heard his threat but she doesn't want to give Hunter the pleasure seeing her embarrassed.

"Then should i sit beside you so i can easily practice French kissing with you?" Nothing can go unnoticed in Hunter's eye. Of course he saw her red ears and it's always seem to turn him on.

"Go and get a room guys. I've been reserving that honeymoon suite for you and no one have ever enter that room ever since i opened this hotel. Not until you guys get married and stay there." Because of these two she start to miss her husband. At least she will have her chance if he's around. Now, she's just suffering from the endless dog food. Tsk...