I still want to live with you

"I hate you." She said as soon as she saw Cole entering the room bringing food along with him. She was too weak to get up from the bed and she can feel her legs still feels like a jelly. Glaring at the smirking husband who seem energized even after all that sessions. Men's stamina is almost like their hidden power. You never know what is their total power until you finally beg for mercy.

"Did you now? I didn't expect that hate can be so strong to the point you scream out their name. Or would you like another demonstration to prove your word?" Cole who was looking satisfied could not help but to tease her back. He put the food away before he made his way to bed. She squeals and hid herself inside the comforter fearing for the number of rounds he could torture her.

"No,,,please dear. I'm hungry. Are you planning to starve me to death?" The mumble sounds under the comforter made Cole chuckled as he picked her up so easily and put her on the couch.

"As much as i love to torture you for the whole day but your husband also need food to replenish my energy. I'm not that cruel to let my wife starve." He said as he place food onto her plate. She was still all bundled up inside the comforter with her head popping out from it. Glaring at the beast but still willingly to open her mouth when he fed her. As soon as the food enter her mouth, she moan in bliss. It taste wonderful and suits to her liking. She knew it must have been Cole who prepared the food. They prefer to live by themselves and only called up maid to clean up the house thrice in a week. The rest they will do it by themselves. She prefers it this way and he only follows what she wants. They live in a different house. According to Cole, he sold the mansion as it felt empty without her and the unhappy memory that happen is not something he wants to live in. He wanted another chapter with her. So he bought a house that's smaller than the mansion. Although it's only one floor but the size is almost the same as a football field. They even had a herb garden which she insist on having although she doesn't cook. But it's nice to be surrounded with all the greens that they could easily use.

"I love you." She said after feeling full. Looking appeased and with her tummy full, she forgot the torture that she went through the whole morning. Seeing the big smile on her face made Cole pinch her cheek lightly before kissing it.

"A moment ago i heard someone said she hate me. Now that you're full, you love me back. I wonder if you love me or my food?" He teased. She rolled her eyes upward.

"Of course i love your food." She said without any hesitation. He got up and wanted to pounce on her but she manage to kicked away the comforter as fast as lightning and ran towards the bathroom while giggling. She slammed the door and locked it from inside fearing he would follow her and decided to punish her some more. When she heard his laughter, she smiled but not for long. As her face start to change and whimper in pain. She hurriedly went to the sink and turn on the tap, let the water flow as she hold onto her chest when the pain suddenly attack. She try to take deep breath and suppress the pain. She did it a couple of times before finally feeling lessen the pain. With her pale face, she washed her face and made her way out of the bathroom. She needed to call Caleb. But Cole,,,she don't know how to explain to him. Will she made it this time? She still need to help Cole and her brothers to deal with the enemy. She still wanted to live 100 more years by his side. She's started to get greedy. She wanted to give Cole a perfect family. She still have a lot to do. Unknowingly, her tears start to flow and she start sobbing out loud.

Cole who was smiling the whole time Aurora was inside the bathroom start to panic when he heard her crying. He try to open the door but it was locked.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Is it painful? Did i make it hurt? I'm so sorry honey. Open up the door honey and let me see. Let me help you. Honey,,,Honey,,," He's been knocking and calling out to her but she still continued to cry. Feeling anxious, he forcefully open the bathroom door and withing seconds he tore the door apart. He entered the bathroom only to see Aurora's pale, trembling face as she cry harder the moment she saw him. She was curling her body on the bathroom floor and he gently scooped her up taking her to their bed. She automatically cling onto his neck as her tears falls like a waterfall. He kept on coaxing her and continue to asked her what's wrong but sh still didn't want to say anything. He just let her be but he never let go of her. They continue to stay in that position for 1 hour when she finally calm down. Although her sobs were still there but he was relieved when she finally stop crying. They were happy this morning. Teasing and punishing each other. But why is it after she enter the bathroom things start to change and her face still looking pale. Even her hands start getting cold. He kept on rubbing her hands to give some warmth but there's still no changes. Her body starts trembling once again. He looked down and this time her face is as white as a ghost. It scared him.

"Honey, what's wrong? What happen? Are you hurt? Tell me..." He asked over and over again. In the mean time, his hand was searching for his phone. And the moment he reached it, he realize it's not his phone.

"Call...call..ca...call Caleb." She said between her pain. The poison start to attack again. Cole frowned but remembering Caleb's identity and the dire situation he follow her word. As soon as he told Caleb the situation, Caleb didn't allow him to end the call. Caleb asked Cole to put him on loudspeaker as he talked on what he should do. Once in a while, he asked for Aurora to response. With her weak voice she manage to answer bit by bit. Cole finally learn about her poison and it took every strength to stop himself from exploding from anger to the people that did this to her. Aurora who can feel his changes tried to lift her hand and hold onto his. He saw it and he quickly grab onto her hand. His heart felt more pain when she's looking like someone who only have little time left to live. He hold onto her hand tightly as if holding her from slipping away. Was this the reason she left so suddenly while he was in coma back then?

"Dear,,," She called out to him.

"Shuushhh,,,don't talk now. Saves your breath. Caleb will be here soon. I want you to stay awake in the mean time." He hushed her. Fearing she would tire herself if she keep on talking.

"Dear...i still want...want to...cough,cough,,," She insist on talking but she end up coughing. She wanted to tell him a lot of things.

"Hush now. Behave." He said. His eyes start to turn red when he saw she start coughing blood. But she however shook her head slowly.

"I...still...want...to...live with you...for a hund...hundred more years. Am i...being too greedy if ask for that much?" She said between her pain. Her eyes kept on gazing at his face as if she wanted to imprint his face if she never woke up after this.

He choked after hearing what she said. He hugged her tightly and buried his face near her neck letting his tears fall.

"Until we're wrinkle and old. Until we have our own great great grandchildren of our own. Until we could no longer walk, until a thousand more years. We will still live together side by side. Even if you toss me out, i will keep on hugging you just like this. And if you die, i will follow you and be buried next to you. You can't get rid of me. You're my wife. My one and only wife. And no, you're not greedy. I'm more greedy than you. I still want to live with you until our last breath. So, don't you dare to leave me behind just like this. Do you hear me?" He asked forcefully. He look at her face and she was smiling happily despite her pale face. She still look beautiful to him.

"That's nice." She said slowly. Her eyes start drooping and she suddenly just feel tired. The pain start to numb her entire body. As much as she wanted to stay awake but her body just keep on getting weak.

Caleb who saw her eyes start to close, kept on shouting and calling her name.

"Honey, no. Don't go to sleep yet. You still haven't told me anything yet. Honey,,,wake up. Wake up. Don't leave me alone. CALEB!!!" He shouted. Caleb who heard every single thing has just reach their house. Along with everyone else. As soon as he enter the room, he saw Cole was hugging Aurora who was laying limply in his embrace. Cole was already in tears as he try to make Aurora to wake up. Caleb's heart went thump when he saw the scene as well as the others who enter their bedroom. Without wasting anymore time, he come towards the couple and start preparing what he always does. But with Cole who's unwilling to part with Aurora makes things harder for him.

"Cole, i need you to let Aurora go. With every minute you waste, you'll be making it hard for me to save her. Her poison might attack her other organs. If that were to happen, it will be too late to save her." Caleb said in a strict tone. Hearing that, Cole finally let her go and gently lay her on their bed. Seeing that, Cole immediately do his job, quickly. Cole just look at the side as his head and heart start to become empty.