Time for action 1

He was stunned once again. He too wanted to kids with her. But with her weak body, he doesn't dare to take the risk. He love her. And if... No, he doesn't want to think about it at all. He will make sure she will live and pampers her everyday. For her request, he might ask Caleb about it. But until Caleb can create that antidote, until then he had to ignore this one request from her.

A couple of days later, Hunter and Alexis came for a surprise visit. She was doing some work at home. Helping Zeus. It feels like she has become Zeus's assistant. But it's just nice because it's the only way for her to kill her boredom. She had to begged Cole for letting her do something. Even though the work load that Zeus gave is not much which she can finish it within an hour but it's fine. Caleb and Derek couldn't entertain her the whole day and she was banned from the kitchen when Cole caught her trying to cook. As a result, she almost burned the house. Cole was angry. But vent it on her brothers.

"Yo, what have you been doing? Do you miss us?" Hunter announced their present loudly when she was busy typing away on the laptop. She glanced up and continue on working. He rolled his eyes over her reaction.

"The least you could do is give me a hug or act surprise even if you're not." He said grudgingly. Alexis gave him a kick before closing in towards Aurora. Seeing she's sitting on the wheelchair, she stopped suddenly. Hunter who followed from behind also manage to stop as well.

"You,,,why...that...how?" Alexis stammered. No one told her anything about Aurora's condition. Usually it her brothers would inform them but this time, no one told them anything when they couldn't reach her for almost two months. Seeing her in a wheelchair, she was startled.

"Why are you stammering? Say it pro...per...ly.." This time it was Hunter who had the same reaction as Alexis. Aurora sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's fine." She said indifferently.

"How is this fine? You're in a freaking wheelchair. And no one told us a god damn thing. Why would you keep this away from us? What happen? Was it because of the toxic in your body? What took Caleb so long to find the antidote? Are you going to keep us in the dark by not telling us anything? We're your friends for goodness sake. Is this how you treat us? Aurora..." Hunter said frantically. He was pacing back and forth making Aurora feels dizzy looking at him. Alexis just sat there, looking gloomy.

"I was going to let my brothers inform you. But it doesn't seem to be safe lately. The person that we purposely escape has manage to put a spy within our place. I was hoping you guys would come to visit me if you don't hear anything about me. Thankfully, i met a very good friends. Here you are when i wanted you to." She said while grinning.

"That doesn't explain how you had to sit on a wheelchair." Alexis said after hearing her explanation.

"About that,,,it seems the attack that i got recently caused a few of my organs to deteriorate and my leg's muscle seem to be useless. I can still walk but not like i used to be. For precaution, Cole insist on making me sit on the wheelchair whenever he's not around or at work." Both of her friend's face changes when they heard it.

"Is it really bad?"

"According to Caleb, i might won't make it the next time it attack." She answered calmly. They were stunned once again.

"Come on guys. Caleb finally found the last ingredients that he needed. This time, he's 100% sure the antidote will work. It will get rid of the toxic poison inside my body. I will be fine. So stop making that face like i'm on my deathbed already." She waved her hand trying to dispel the gloomy atmosphere.

"Honey,,,stop saying that." A domineering voice interrupt the gloomy atmosphere. Aurora turned her head towards the entrance. The man doesn't look happy. She rubbed her forehead which is a big mistake when he rushed towards her massaging her head gently. He was looking anxious now.

"What's wrong? Does your head hurt? Where's Caleb? Have you been working on the laptop too long? Did Zeus gave you a lot of work? Call Caleb for me. Tell him to hurry up." He said endlessly without realizing Aurora's helpless face. She slapped his hand away a couple of times and glared at him.

"I'm fine." Gritting her teeth. He furrowed his brows together.

"Then why are you rubbing your forehead? Are you dizzy? Where's Caleb?" He start making up his own conclusion again. She's get a headache if this continues on. But that will bring her much trouble if she didn't choose her words carefully this time.

"Stop bothering Caleb. I'm really fine. It was just a habit of mine. Rubbing my forehead while thinking." More like it started because of him being a henpecked husband. She couldn't say it out loud. He'll end up sulking, refusing to talk to her.

"But you never had this habit before. I will notice it right away." It's you. It started because of you. She really wanted to scream that out loud.

"Then i just felt like doing it. If you can do it then why can't i can do it? Hunter does it. Alexis does it also. Why do i have to answer so many question just because i'm rubbing my forehead?" She start to attack him with endless annoying questions. Cole who finally realize she was annoyed decided to placate her.

"Okay, i'm sorry. You can do whatever you want. I'm still not happy with what you said earlier on." And she thought he would forget about it.

"I won't say it again. Now, can we please stop embarrassing ourselves in front of our guest here." She glanced at him and sending out a warning. He understood and finally drop off the subject.

"Hunter, Alexis. It's nice of you coming here to entertain my wife. She's unable to go out lately. I'm sure with you guys around, she'll not be bored." As soon as he finished talking, Aurora snorted. It was him who's been confining her inside the house. He ignored her behaviour instead picked her up from the wheelchair and move towards the sofa inside the living room. Alexis and Hunter who looked at each other soon follow. Each have the same thinking. Only Cole can control Aurora. The Aurora they know would never listen to others no matter how sickly she became. No one can stop her becoming wild. But looking at the situation right now, they felt he's the perfect match for her.

After making sure Aurora was comfortable, he left to the kitchen and get some water and snacks for them. She sighed.

"He's a good husband. You're lucky having him as your husband." Alexis commented.

"I feel lucky as well." She answered.

"And you'll be lucky if you agree to marry me." Hunter told Alexis.

"What? You already proposed to her? Forget it Alexis. He's impotent remember?"

"Damn it Aurora. Could you stop cursing me already. I'll get her drunk and show her my manly side." As soon as he finished talking, he got hit hard by two pillows on his face.



Both Aurora and Alexis scold Hunter leaving him speechless.