Aurora is gone

After a successful ambush, all of the people under Brian are handed over to the military to handle. According to Cole, he's too busy to handle the traitors. Leaving Hunter and Harrison in a headache. Cole use his power as Lucifer to shut down the news about the coup d'etat. He even gave them a list of politician who are involved with the movement. All the people under Lucifer is not just any ordinary people. They're the big shots of the country. Hiding with their other identity as Prime Minister, an international actor, Ministry of Defense and etc. They are all under Cole's command. Even Hunter had a hard time believing. That is the power of Lucifer. The true power of Lucifer and it seems only Cole knows how to summon them all. Everything went smooth and after the task is done, Aurora's brother along with Cole headed for home. This time, it's finally over. Or so they thought.

The house was exceptionally quiet and it was dark giving Cole who just arrived feeling something is off. No matter how dark the night is, the house would never be this dark. There's always dimmed light lit at every corner because knowing Aurora, she never really like a dark house. Feeling strange, Cole sent a signal to Tristan and Derek to check on the other side of the house to see if anything is misplaced. Others were on guard as well. Cole carefully enter the house and was alarmed at how messy the house look. Caleb laying unconscious in the living room with blood around his stomach. Cole immediately tell Carl to stop the bleeding while he's searching for Aurora. He looked inside their bedroom but couldn't find any trace of her except the fallen wheelchair and the wreck side of the bedroom. His gaze turn solemn. They talked to each other before. She even playfully tease him. How could she be gone? He should have let her talked with him instead if he knew this was going to happen. He should have left someone to protect her. He was too eager to finished everything up which cause him to lose her. Now, no matter where he check, she's not in the house any longer. He went back to the living room and just in time to see Caleb start to gain conscious.

"Where is she?" he asked in a hard, cold voice. Caleb who was looking pale, feeling regretful.

"It's that old man and William took her. We were ambushed by them. He had a total of twelve others along with him. I couldn't fight them all. I'm sorry Cole. I'm sorry." He who was known as a Ghostly Doctor, who never bother about his own patients situation wept weakly at the thought of him unable to protect his only sister. And it was due to him they manage to take Aurora away. Although he's a man but he's never bother to learn to fight because his only focus is mainly on inventing antidote as well as treating his patients. Thus, he was easily caught during the ambush. Aurora who was weak in the first place manage to subdue the enemies due to her own instinct. She could easily escape if she wanted to but when she saw he was caught, they had to threatened her just so they could finally take her away. She concede. It was not until he was stabbed and were let to bleed to death. She saw and began to struggle from their grasp. He tried so hard to get to her but he was kicked away making him faint. The moment he woke up, Cole already got back and he have no way of knowing where they took her.

"Do you have any idea where they might take her?" It was Tristan who asked.

Caleb only shook his head in regret.

"That damn old man. I shouldn't have listen to Aurora and deal with him. The only reason i didn't deal with him was only because we had other matters to attend. Can't believe he use this opportunity to take Aurora away." Tristan burst in anger.

"Do you think he did it because he caught word that his grandson is dead?" Derek asked. He's Aurora long time bodyguard. And he's always by her side except for tonight. He could have saved her if they weren't short in hand.

"I thought we shut down the news." Tristan rebuked.

"I'm guessing, Brian manage to alert the old man. And the old man probably didn't know Brian is dead. They must have a place where they meet." Derek made his observation.

"Knowing Aurora, she must have something on her that will let us track her down." Carl said.

"Her necklace. I gave her the necklace. It had a tracking device on it." Cole who has been quiet for a while finally said something. Darren who heard it, open his laptop and start tracking her whereabouts.

"You might have to hurry. I'm afraid due to what happen tonight, she may have trigger the poison again. And it won't be 'nice' this time." Caleb said weakly. His word made Cole's heart goes thump. Without wasting anymore time, he brought Tristan, Derek, Zeus and Darren with him while the others are left to bring Caleb to the hospital for further treatment. In his hand, are the antidote for Aurora.

"Cole, she need to have this as soon as possible. I fear if it's any longer even the antidote won't work. We might lose her forever." Caleb's word hung onto his heart. He gripped the antidote tightly as they headed to where Aurora is.

'Honey, be strong for me and wait for me. I'm coming for you.'