Wedding Anniversary (END)

It was late afternoon Aurora finally woke up from her exhausted wedding night. If she knew this would happen, she wouldn't provoke the sleeping dragon. If she knew he was going to surprise her with the wedding anniversary celebration, she wouldn't dare to run away from him. And if she only knew he intended to have their wedding night during the wedding anniversary, she wouldn't dare to say she will have sex with someone else. Now, laying in bed she couldn't even lift her leg nor her hand after being tossed around in bed ever since last night until the sun rise. She remembered fainting along the way but was woken up with the most blissful climax. And he still continue on despite her begging and apologies. All he knows her screaming out his name as they climax together. In ine night, she learnt almost all position that she ever read during her rebellious days. She didn't think it was possible back then. But who knew the art of making love is according to one's creativity. Everything that seem impossible is possible.

Aurora tried to get up from the bed slowly. Her leg feels wobbly and not to mention her area is sore. Very,very sore. If not for the fact she needed to go to the bathroom to relief herself, she wouldn't bother of getting up. Both of her leg manage to touch the floor and before she could take another step, she was pulled back to the bed and Cole who just woke up hovers over her naked body. He kissed her passionately ignoring her protest as he melt her down with his tongue. His hand starts to massage her mountain and pinching it causing her moan in pain. Rubbing her nipple together and it start to arouse her once more. But the pressure around her bladder remind her that she needed to use the bathroom immediately. She start to struggle again against his endless kissing and using both hand to push his chest away. Panting, she glared at him who's still looking energetic despite their vigorous activity last night.

"I needed to go to toilet. Please." she begged. Feaaring he would take her for more rounds. He grinned before kissing her lightly.

"I'll take you." And with that, he easily lift her and bring her to the bathroom. He even put her on the toilet bowl as he stand there looking at her with his naked body being displayed in front of her.

"Get out Cole." She told hin off. He responded with a kiss and only move away to the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth. She gritted her teeth and try her best to ignore his presence as she try to do her business. This is something that she herself invited in. How could she not know this side of Cole? Now, he's going to take things his way. The Lucifer's way. And sure enough, the moment she finish with her business, Cole just grab her and continue with several actions that are unimaginable leaving her full with lust and desire for him. As well as his little beings.

At the private beach, it has turned into a magical place as the barren sand are now covered with big white sheets and with flower petals scatter around it. Colouring the white sheets and a couple of transparent tent shielding it are now glittered with lights. It almost look like another wedding instead of wedding anniversary. And for the first time, the private beach was open to public. Mostly those who are invited to the anniversary. Who wouldn't want to come? It is the wedding anniversary of the two biggest tycoon and most wealthiest people in the country. Not to mention their influence in business world as well as the government. What they say matters and will not be taken lightly. Thus, the private beach has now turn into a festive beach with all the people coming ever since morning. They even let some of the vendors to sell their food there. With all the music turning out loud, they were partying as they wait for the couple who was supposed to arrive by now. Even her ten brothers are feeling anxious, They've been changing the plan and trying their best to make it possible but there's only one thing they can't control is the couple's arrival. Only when the sun starting to set turning the sky to orange did the couple and the brothers sigh in relieve. Seeing the blush on the late bride's face and how Cole have been supporting her the entire way, they somehow understood the reason for their delayed.

"Never thought that wild girl would eventually fall for someone." Tristan said as he sipped on his cocktail.

"Surrounded by us, even i have to doubt her sexuality." Steven added.

"Apparently, it all depends on their strings of fate." Caleb grinned.

"When did you start believe in that? I thought all you know is medicine and operating on bodies." Jacob encountered making Caleb roll his eyes.

"But, at least she's fine now. Back then, her sickness really took a toll in her life. To the point everything she does is all for us." Harrison said solemnly.

"And we somehow depend on her although she's just a girl." Carl look at Aurora's blushing face as Cole whisper in her ear.

"It's good we let them meet each other again. It's the only thing that we can do for her." Zeus said.

"Only he can tame her." Derek who's been with her the entire time saw her suffering in silent.

"For our sister and her marriage." Aaron hold up his glass high.

"For their happily ever after." The rest soon follow.