Capture the West Desert (VI)

Moro's flaming body is massive and it is quite enough to destroy a small town in mere seconds. No wonder the first pioneers in the past timeline had a hard time dealing with Moro. With his two phases of berserk, it would be a very hard one even for them especially since they are not just facing Moro but also the horde that he brought along. I only managed to breeze out the horde due to the help of Atlas also due to the intense firepower the cannon form of my Versatile Weapon has.

Using the Magic Sword form of the Versatile Weapon, I started to slice up into his flaming arm and every time steam appears, I would immediately use [Condensation] and make a temporary rain. It allowed me to cool down the flaming body of Moro bit by bit.

Of course, that doesn't mean he won't retaliate. When I was halfway through his arm, he quickly tries to swat me flat like a mosquito or insect. He is giant but he is quite fast. Also, even though his body is getting rotten and his face is only showing down a skull, that doesn't mean he is easily broken.

I choose the timing and before his hand landed on where I was, I jump to his swatting hand and switch a place to attack next. Landing on his burning arm is hard. Aside from the pain of being burned, it also stings a lot just by being in his arm for a few seconds. That is why, if I want to survive as long as I can while whittling his defenses and HP bar, I have to chip away all of his parts just like how he was in his skeletal form.


One single swing from my sword and flesh on his forefinger separated from the main hand, effectively cutting off one of his fingers. After doing the deed, I went down from his flaming hand immediately and chug down a bottle of intermediate health potion.

He tried to recover his flaming finger that was cut off to regenerate it back and attach it again but I didn't allow him to do so as I blast it with my cannon from Versatile Weapon. It only has a little bit of lifespan so destroying it would disable his regeneration.

"Cursed Human!" he stomps his foot to the ground creating a small Earthquake which is an attempt to make me stumble down to the ground in which he will stomp me immediately the moment I fall down. But to someone who is very knowledgeable on his moveset, that is just nothing but child's play to me.


"Good! Since you have done your job, we have one last enemy to take down! I think you can handle this guy without problem, I presume?"


As a former boss, Atlas is quite formidable. Despite easily bullied when he was just a little boss in a dungeon, that doesn't mean he needs to stagnate in a dungeon. For someone as strong as Atlas, he has yet to meet his limits, and facing Moro is a good way for him to learn techniques and gain experience to fight and get stronger.

"Listen Atlas, although he is a giant, he is fast. He can attack without slowing down so be careful if he is about to try swatting you down, he is not just going to let you waltz in and bonk him with your sword. You need to strategize and be sure to attack him with safety in mind! The higher your HP is, the better we can take him down easily!'

"I will coordinate on Master's attacks so that we can incapacitate him as fast as we can. From what I can see, his eye sockets on his head are the one with the weakness."

"Indeed. That is a good and astute observation. Moro's weakness is his eyes in this form. I can't use the cannonballs to shoot it down as the cannonballs disintegrate before it gets near. However, melee weapons can easily deal with it. Our goal is to destroy his arms and cripple his legs before hitting his head once and for all. Can you handle this?"

"Of course, Master!"

"I will handle the left arm, you handle the right!"

Atlas followed my orders and focused on the right arm. Although Moro is a very destructive guy, that doesn't mean he has no weakness. As a one-eyed giant, he might have a massive eye but he can only do so with only one eye, which means he can attack one point but leave an opening on the blindside. This tactic is usually the easiest way to take down Moro in the past.

Seeing most of his movesets are just similar to his zombified version, I don't think we needed to deviate from this plan. Since Moro's target is none other than me, Atlas can freely deal with his right hand while I deal with his left hand.

"You make me angrier human! You will make for a nice meal once I capture and kill you!"

"Try it!"

Moro quickly slams his palms to the ground, trying to smash me to smithereens using the rapid attacks on his palms. However, this speed is nothing for me, and evading them is just a daily routine for me in the past, I know how to adjust my movements just to dodge off your attacks.

When Moro is busy with me, Atlas already arrived on Moro's shoulders. Before Moro can even react, Atlas slices his shoulder and cuts off the arm dangling on it in a swift manner.


Moro screamed in pain as his left arm fell to the ground. I didn't waste my time and rapidly attacked the fallen arm before Moro can recover from the pain and destroy it. Atlas also attacked it so before Moro can even take time to find where his dismembered arm went, it was already gone for good.