Taming without Equipment

Trying to tame the monster while keeping the other minions alive is hard. Not only that but because this is an Elite Monster, it would take quite a bit of beating before it gets to be possible to be tamed. And although I don't have expertise with taming monsters, I do have the basic knowledge in taming but I didn't do any in the past timeline due to how complicated some of the things I experienced. Thankfully, this timeline is no longer similar to the old timeline.

After looking for a chance to slip through the other wolves, I finally found one chance and grabbed the rare opportunity as they are hard to deal with if they attack in packs.

My sudden arrival in front of the wolves was so sudden that they were startled by my appearance.

"Atlas! Lucia! Now!"

The two appeared immediately and took hold to block the other mobs. The Elite monster, Dark Desert Wolf immediately stood up and brandish its fangs and claws, but I quickly stopped it from its tracks.