Signs of the Second Seven Deadly Sins Weapon Series

The hole is very big and the Sea Worm swallowed the whole frozen village, which also means the Eternal Ice that should be there are no longer there as it also got swallowed along with what the Sea Worm devoured.

The researcher and the two female bodyguards are worried about the leader of the bodyguards that got swallowed along the village when she was trying to check out on my situation.

"The Sea Worm has a similar digestive system to the Sand Worm which is why we can still chase it and kill it to rescue our leader. Please! Help us!" one of the female bodyguards begged me to go and follow the sea worm.

"Adventurer, even though this is my first time meeting you, I am asking for a favor. Please rescue my bodyguard from the bottomless mouth of the Sea Worm. I will reward you if you are successful. You will be rewarded greatly. Just please, rescue her," even the researcher begged me to do so.