Multiple Slave Traders

Harmless Sparrow acted as quickly as she can because, in a blink of an eye, she was right next to the Slave Trader that even the former did not expect it. With a swing from her flaming blade, she swiftly slashes the neck of the Slave Trader cleanly so that it didn't even spill blood at all. The head fell and toppled after it got separated from its body.

Harmless Sparrow then land on her feet as she sheathed her weapon back to her waist, but...

"Look out Sparrow! The battle is not yet over!"


Harmless Sparrow barely dodged the attack but she was unharmed. She pulled out her weapon again and she saw that the headless Slave Trader has grown its head once more. As for the head that got cut off, it grows another body, identical to the original body, with all the clothes and equipment on it. As a result, a second hulking Slave Trader appeared before us.

In short, the single slave trader became two.