Punish the Deceivers

The banishment process wasn't just a show for us; it unfolded as a grand spectacle in the eyes of the spirits themselves. They bore witness to the intense energy that surged forth when the Chef Spirit was stripped of all its rights. Initially, I had anticipated a routine punishment from Renatta, something within the ordinary realm of spirit discipline. Little did I expect that she would opt for the ultimate verdict – sentencing the spirits to the metaphorical "death penalty." This was no ordinary banishment; it was a process sealing their existence for all eternity, barring any chance of a return to our world.

Renatta, in the midst of this, seemed to radiate with newfound vitality. It was evident that she had been channeling copious amounts of power into the spirit. However, following the banishment, she effortlessly reclaimed every ounce of energy she had bestowed upon the Chef Spirit, reasserting her dominion over it once more.